Sunday, October 31, 2010
A UN Militia in Your Community?
Rapid Reaction against UN Foes
by Berit Kjos - 1999 (updated 2010)
Skip down to behind-the-scenes leader Maurice Strong
Army study suggests new 'police force': "A newly released Rand Corporation report proposes the federal government create a rapid deployment 'Stabilization Police Force' that would be tasked with 'shaping an environment before a conflict' and restoring order in times of war, natural disaster or national emergency.... Darrell Castle [retired Marine Corps officer and attorney]... is skeptical of the report and believes the unit could be used in the U.S. against Americans.'" January 22, 2010
"Noting the increasing role and special functions of civilian police in United Nations' peace-keeping operations, the Security Council this morning encouraged States [nations] to make appropriate trained police available to the Organization at short notice.... The council encouraged States to provide appropriate training of civilian police for international service." UN Press Release (#6397), July 14, 1997
"As professional volunteers develop into a cohesive UN force, they can assume responsibility for some of the riskier operations mandated by the Council but for which troop contributors have been hesitant to contribute…. Without the need to consult national authorities, the UN could cut response time significantly. . . . As the 1995 Commission on Global Governance noted, 'It is high time that this idea - a United nations Volunteer Force - was made a reality.'"1 Towards a Rapid Reaction Capability for the UN
"Governments are understandably reluctant to commit troops rapidly for UN action, particularly in civil wars and internal conflicts…."2 Our Global Neighborhood, The Report of the Commission on Global Governance
In the near future, could the United Nations actually place its own police force in our communities to quell local conflicts? Worse yet, would it have authority to deal with the mere risk of such a conflict? Would this intrusive militia bypass U.S. authorities in order to fulfill any UN Security Council command?
The answer to all three questions is an alarming "Yes." Consider the evidence:
1. In 1998, the Clinton administration quietly gave the UN $200,000 as seed money to establish the a UN military operation called the Rapidly Deployable Mission Headquarters. A UN Secretariat official who prefers to remain anonymous explained the need for such "backdoor support." It was "because of the political sensitivity over creating an army under UN command and political authority."3
According to George Archibald, who reported this incident in his Washington Times article, "White House backs standby U.N. army," the UN official indicated that Canada and the Netherlands are primary backers of this UN force. That’s true, but the USA has been actively pursuing this goal together with Canada.
2. In 1995, a detailed report titled Towards A Rapid Reaction Capability for the United Nations was prepared by an International Consultative Group co-chaired by Sir Brian Urquhart of the Ford Foundation and Dr. John C. Polanyi, Nobel Laureate of the University of Toronto. This Group consisted of "experts drawn from governments, academic institutions and non-governmental organizations" and included U.S. leaders such as Dr. Jessica Mathews, Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations. Published by the Canadian government, it called for UN management of satellite surveillance, information systems, databanks, and every other technological tool for managing people. It concluded that--
"As long sovereign states retain the right to decide on the deployment of their national units, there will never be complete assurance that a UN force can meet an urgent situation on time . . . ."4
"Command, Control, Communications, Computer and Intelligence systems (C41) would incorporate the full range of strategic and tactical communications networks, together with data processing capabilities and real-time information transfer….
"… A number of UN Member States are bound to be wary of systems and equipment designed for advance surveillance, intrusion detection, early warning and enhanced analytical capabilities, even if similar systems are already part of the national inventories of neighbors or adversaries. Some of these systems… might be considered too "intrusive" for use by an inter-governmental organizations. Even if these political hurdles can be overcome, acquisitions of these capabilities face enormous financial obstacles . . . .
"A prudent, long-terms approach… would focus initially on the acquisition of advanced communication/information management systems for UN headquarters and the field. These would be "secure" systems which could readily be linked electronically to a variety of national systems provided to the UN under memoranda of understanding. The UN could then build upon this base…. "5
3. What if this plan conflicts with U.S. laws, American values, and our national sovereignty? It doesn’t matter, according to Sir Brian Urquhart and Erstine Childers. Political obstacles may slow, but not block, the move toward an international police force under UN Command. Their 1993 statement was quoted in the above report, Towards A Rapid Reaction Capability for the United Nations:
"The fact that the theoretically best solution is not at present politically feasible does not mean that the system must simply muddle on indefinitely in its present condition. A great deal can be achieved without constitutional change, by changes in such salient features as geography, legal mandates and behavior."6
Does that statement sound familiar? A mere Constitutional objection cannot stop these visionaries. Nor can national laws or public opinion. After all, laws can be reinterpreted and public opinion manipulated. As long as the mainstream media can win either the consent or the silence of the masses, Clinton and his team of change agents can continue to write life-changing rules and regulations that bypass Congress.
It’s happening in education, health, environmental programs, and every other area of life. The global management system Al Gore points to in his 1992 book, Earth in the Balance, refers primarily to sustainable development, 7 but the transformation he envisions involves every part of the all-inclusive global system. As you read the following statement, don’t forget that "voluntary" has become a buzzword for a system with built-in controls that reward compliance and shows zero tolerance for non-compliance. To these social engineers, their ends justifies any deceptive means:
"Adopting a central organizing principle – one agreed to voluntarily – means embarking on an all-out effort to use every policy and program, every law and institution, every treaty and alliance, every tactic and strategy, every plan and course of action – to use, in short, every means to halt the destruction of the environment.... Minor shifts in policy, moderate improvement in laws and regulations, rhetoric offered in lieu of genuine change—these are all forms of appeasement, designed to satisfy the public’s desire to believe that sacrifice, struggle and a wrenching transformation of society will not be necessary."8
4. Behind UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan stands the powerful Canadian multi-billionaire Maurice Strong. The founder of both the World Economic Council and Planetary Citizens, he has served as director of the World Future Society, trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation and Aspen Institute, and a member of the Club of Rome. As head of the Earth Council, he began to prepare an Earth Charter—a global code of conduct based on global values and radical environmental guidelines. [He was discredited after accepting a million dollars from Saddam Hussein during the UN "Food for Oil" travesty.]
Strong led the 1992 "Earth Summit" in Rio de Janeiro (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development). It produced the controversial Biodiversity Treaty and Agenda 21 — the monstrous plan for reorganizing the world along environmental guidelines. One of his offices is only two blocks away from the White House.
Officially, Strong was "hired" by Annan to "reform" the massive, inefficient, and corrupt UN bureaucracy so that the US Congress would pay its dues. But his leadership brings little comfort to those who remember Strong’s occult and environmental ties, globalist ambitions, and corrupt business practices.
His true plan for UN reform is documented in Our Global Neighborhood, the report of the UN Commission on Global Governance, which Strong helped write. Like Towards a Rapid Reaction Capability for the United Nations, this report calls for a volunteer UN army under UN command, with UN police stationed in every region of the world:
"In many of today’s crises, it is clear than an early intervention could have prevented later negative developments…. This underlines the need for a highly trained UN Volunteer Force that is willing, if necessary, to take combat risks….This would be particularly useful in low-level but dangerous conflicts.
Such an international Volunteer Force would be under the exclusive authority of the Security Council." 9
What if the U.S. Congress disagrees with UN decisions. Could it simply press for a U.S. veto on the Security Council? Not if Strong implements his vision of reform. The United States, which is billed 25% of the huge UN budget, would be dismissed from the Security Council:
"We recommend that a new class of ‘standing‘ members be established…. Of these new members, two should be drawn from industrial countries and three from among the larger developing countries. Of the two from industrial countries, presumably one will be from Asia and one from Europe. Of the three from developing countries, we would expect one each to be drawn from Asia, Africa, and Latin America. . . . The new standing members will not possess a veto, and we believe the aim should be for the power of the veto to be phased out. 10
5. Most of the incremental steps toward UN control over its own local police happen in secret, behind closed doors. But some are made public, such as the following UN Press Release (#6397) issued on July 14, 1997:
"Noting the increasing role and special functions of civilian police in United Nations' peace-keeping operations, the Security Council this morning encouraged States [nations] to make appropriate trained police available to the Organization at short notice. . . . The council encouraged States to provide appropriate training of civilian police for international service…. [C]ivilian police performed indispensable functions in monitoring and training national police forces. They could play a major role, through assistance to local police forces, in restoring civil order, supporting the rule of law, and fostering civil reconciliation."
6. On September 14, 1998, U.S. Secretary of Defense William Cohen addressed the Council on Foreign Relations. In the euphemistically veiled language so typical of the Clinton administration, he described the current crisis and offered a government solution:
"To deal effectively with these challenges, we must have a national security policy based on four pillars:
Bi-partisan support for Defense Policy
Budgets adequate to maintain the world’s best military today and in the future
International cooperation
Interagency cooperation within our government"
Keep in mind that "international cooperation" means working with NATO and the UN. Three of the four points above were covered in the report mentioned earlier, Towards A Rapid Reaction Capability for the United Nations. The list of excerpts at the end of this report broadens our view of the vast bureaucracies, monstrous power, and arrogant ambitions that drive the UN agenda and its worldwide network of disciples every closer to Maurice Strong’s vision of "global governance". To speed the process, the United States is expected to contribute troops as well as its enviable expertise in surveillance and reconnaissance technology. American taxes would fund and arm a global management system that aims to crush Christianity, Western culture, capitalism, and the US Constitution.
7. Controlling the flow of information is vital to the envisioned global management system. To this end, each nation must fund and implement its part of the massive global information and monitoring system. In the following section of Towards A Rapid Reaction Capability for the United Nations, notice the reference to Information Management.
"The types of technologies which could play a greater role in peacekeeping operations are: surveillance technologies, communications equipment and enhanced information management systems….
"An attractive technology for a variety of peace operations is aerial reconnaissance of ground activity. Access to satellite capability… may have great strategic potential.
"The ability to locate, identify and monitor virtually all vehicular movement… has obvious applicability to monitoring, surveillance and control missions.
"….surveillance technologies and information management systems could be integrated into an organization-wide system to enhance contingency planning…." (pages 56-57)
Such an integrated UN-U.S. information management system is needed for other global programs as well. At the 1995 UN Conference for Women in Beijing, 11 our U.S. delegation committed our nation to participate in an international monitoring system controlled by the UN Economic and Social Council. This system would monitor compliance with politically correct gender roles in schools, workplaces, and homes (parents could no longer model traditional gender roles in the home). Fulfilling his part of the UN plan, President Clinton signed Executive Order 13011, establishing a massive interagency bureaucracy with power to -
manage "Federal Information Technology"
disseminate politically correct information
build massive data banks
share the data with international bodies such as the United Nations.
8. A crisis need not erupt before the UN militia begins its work. In fact, one of its major responsibilities would be to monitor human rights violations around the world. If that doesn’t concern you, please read our reports on Executive Order 13107: Human Rights Implementation and The UN Plan for Your Mental Health.
The 1998 International IDNDR Conference on Early Warning Systems for the Reduction of Natural Disasters chose as its theme, "Building a Culture of Prevention." For our globalist leaders who promote "systems thinking," the theme of prevention includes all conceivable areas of potential conflict and non-compliance. What’s more, this theme provides a catchy rationale for continual and pervasive surveillance of beliefs, attitudes, and actions. In light of the UN’s overall quest for global "peace" and "solidarity," ponder the following quote from The Declaration of the Potsdam Early Warning Conference:
"Successful early warning requires unrestricted access to data that is freely available for exchange. Ultimately, all resulting information must be credible, and emanate from a single officially designated authority.
"Participants emphasized that early warning is effective only to the extent that policy makers at national levels of authority have the will, and make a sustained commitment of resources that will establish protective measures. It is crucial that these measures support the development of early warning capabilities at the community level and that they be based on local vulnerability and risk assessments." 12
In other words, the U.S. must provide the UN with all the data needed to assess potential conflict of any sort anywhere. Among the conflicts the UN police are being trained to resolve are human rights violations. In the eyes of UN leaders, any group that violates the UN standard for politically correct beliefs and values could be "at risk" of creating conflict.13 Would non-compliant people be among the risk factors that could trigger the "early warning systems"?
9. Finally, see how the pieces fit together. Ponder the following quotes from Towards A Rapid Reaction Capability for the United Nations:
"… This study’s central objective is to recommend changes at all levels of the UN system which would give the UN an enhanced capability to respond rapidly to crisis situations." (p. iv)
"…there are several generic components of rapid reaction which must be included in an UN capability if it is to be effective:
an early warning mechanism to alert the system to an impending conflict or crisis;
an effective decision-making process…
adequate finance….
well-trained personnel." (p. iv)
"Current early-warning systems could be substantially strengthened by working towards an element of 'automaticity' in early-warning arrangements. Ideally, as Jessica Tuchman Mathews, of the Council of Foreign Relations, New York has suggested, "The UN should develop an automatic system of responses . . . . The key is that a certain set of findings would trigger a set of predetermined responses for rapid reaction.. . . .
"Nothing can tie the hands of the Security Council in making decisions." (p.44)
"To enhance rapid reaction, the UN and Member States need to address the nature of training to be conducted and the management systems which should be put into place to ensure that national training programs are responsive to the UN’s requirements." (p. 54)
"The UN … would not have to await the lengthy domestic processes of each Member State before a critical mass of police forces is assembled.... a permanent force could be trained to the high standards which the UN should demand. . . .
"The Vanguard Concept … is based on standby arrangements for nationally-based units linked to a UN operational headquarters. … The presence of regional headquarters would provide for greater flexibility and reduce the time required for deployment. . . . Governments are sometimes reluctant to release their forces for duty…. Even when Governments are disposed to concur… the process of seeking authorization is often slow…. (p. 60)
"As they would remain under national command, national authorities would retain primary responsibility for their administration, pay and benefits." (p. 61)
The United Nations may well position its "highly trained" Volunteer Force armed with America’s latest surveillance and reconnaissance technology in our midst. Such an action would fit the vision of many US leaders who, for political reasons, prefer to let the UN make such unpolular choices for them. If this happens, and if this Force must carry out Security Council orders that our Congress would forbid, there will be no earthly place to hide from tyrannical leaders.
While we must do all we can to stop this intrusion upon American sovereignty and freedom, we need to remember that the forces arrayed against us are far greater than our mere human efforts. Only God can bring victory. I suggest that we turn to Him, listen to His instructions, and follow His plan. Jehoshophat, a godly king in Old Testament days, said it well:
"O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You." (2 Chronicles 20:12)
Together, the people prayed, followed God's instructions, and won the war in a mighty demonstration of the power and faithfulness of our God.
1.Towards a Rapid Reaction Capability for the UN (The Government of Canada, 1992), p. 62.
2. Our Global Neighborhood, The Commission on Global Governance (Oxford University Press, 1995), 110-111.
3. George Archibald, "White House backs standby UN army," Washington Times, April 23, 1998.
4. Towards a Rapid Reaction Capability for the UN , page 63.
5. Ibid., page 56-57.
6. Ibid., page 55.
7. See Local Agenda 21.
8. Al Gore, Earth in the Balance; Ecology and the Human Spirit (Houghton Mifflin, 1992), p. 274.
9. Our Global Neighborhood, The Commission on Global Governance (Oxford University Press, 1995), 110-111.
10. Ibid., 240, 241.
11. You can read about this UN conference, and the global sisterhood that led it, in chapter 9 of A Twist of Faith.
13.See the UN Plan for Your Mental Health
See also Local Agenda 21- The U.N. Plan for Your Community and
World Heritage "Protection": UNESCO's War Against National Sovereignty
Rapid Reaction against UN Foes
by Berit Kjos - 1999 (updated 2010)
Skip down to behind-the-scenes leader Maurice Strong
Army study suggests new 'police force': "A newly released Rand Corporation report proposes the federal government create a rapid deployment 'Stabilization Police Force' that would be tasked with 'shaping an environment before a conflict' and restoring order in times of war, natural disaster or national emergency.... Darrell Castle [retired Marine Corps officer and attorney]... is skeptical of the report and believes the unit could be used in the U.S. against Americans.'" January 22, 2010
"Noting the increasing role and special functions of civilian police in United Nations' peace-keeping operations, the Security Council this morning encouraged States [nations] to make appropriate trained police available to the Organization at short notice.... The council encouraged States to provide appropriate training of civilian police for international service." UN Press Release (#6397), July 14, 1997
"As professional volunteers develop into a cohesive UN force, they can assume responsibility for some of the riskier operations mandated by the Council but for which troop contributors have been hesitant to contribute…. Without the need to consult national authorities, the UN could cut response time significantly. . . . As the 1995 Commission on Global Governance noted, 'It is high time that this idea - a United nations Volunteer Force - was made a reality.'"1 Towards a Rapid Reaction Capability for the UN
"Governments are understandably reluctant to commit troops rapidly for UN action, particularly in civil wars and internal conflicts…."2 Our Global Neighborhood, The Report of the Commission on Global Governance
In the near future, could the United Nations actually place its own police force in our communities to quell local conflicts? Worse yet, would it have authority to deal with the mere risk of such a conflict? Would this intrusive militia bypass U.S. authorities in order to fulfill any UN Security Council command?
The answer to all three questions is an alarming "Yes." Consider the evidence:
1. In 1998, the Clinton administration quietly gave the UN $200,000 as seed money to establish the a UN military operation called the Rapidly Deployable Mission Headquarters. A UN Secretariat official who prefers to remain anonymous explained the need for such "backdoor support." It was "because of the political sensitivity over creating an army under UN command and political authority."3
According to George Archibald, who reported this incident in his Washington Times article, "White House backs standby U.N. army," the UN official indicated that Canada and the Netherlands are primary backers of this UN force. That’s true, but the USA has been actively pursuing this goal together with Canada.
2. In 1995, a detailed report titled Towards A Rapid Reaction Capability for the United Nations was prepared by an International Consultative Group co-chaired by Sir Brian Urquhart of the Ford Foundation and Dr. John C. Polanyi, Nobel Laureate of the University of Toronto. This Group consisted of "experts drawn from governments, academic institutions and non-governmental organizations" and included U.S. leaders such as Dr. Jessica Mathews, Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations. Published by the Canadian government, it called for UN management of satellite surveillance, information systems, databanks, and every other technological tool for managing people. It concluded that--
"As long sovereign states retain the right to decide on the deployment of their national units, there will never be complete assurance that a UN force can meet an urgent situation on time . . . ."4
"Command, Control, Communications, Computer and Intelligence systems (C41) would incorporate the full range of strategic and tactical communications networks, together with data processing capabilities and real-time information transfer….
"… A number of UN Member States are bound to be wary of systems and equipment designed for advance surveillance, intrusion detection, early warning and enhanced analytical capabilities, even if similar systems are already part of the national inventories of neighbors or adversaries. Some of these systems… might be considered too "intrusive" for use by an inter-governmental organizations. Even if these political hurdles can be overcome, acquisitions of these capabilities face enormous financial obstacles . . . .
"A prudent, long-terms approach… would focus initially on the acquisition of advanced communication/information management systems for UN headquarters and the field. These would be "secure" systems which could readily be linked electronically to a variety of national systems provided to the UN under memoranda of understanding. The UN could then build upon this base…. "5
3. What if this plan conflicts with U.S. laws, American values, and our national sovereignty? It doesn’t matter, according to Sir Brian Urquhart and Erstine Childers. Political obstacles may slow, but not block, the move toward an international police force under UN Command. Their 1993 statement was quoted in the above report, Towards A Rapid Reaction Capability for the United Nations:
"The fact that the theoretically best solution is not at present politically feasible does not mean that the system must simply muddle on indefinitely in its present condition. A great deal can be achieved without constitutional change, by changes in such salient features as geography, legal mandates and behavior."6
Does that statement sound familiar? A mere Constitutional objection cannot stop these visionaries. Nor can national laws or public opinion. After all, laws can be reinterpreted and public opinion manipulated. As long as the mainstream media can win either the consent or the silence of the masses, Clinton and his team of change agents can continue to write life-changing rules and regulations that bypass Congress.
It’s happening in education, health, environmental programs, and every other area of life. The global management system Al Gore points to in his 1992 book, Earth in the Balance, refers primarily to sustainable development, 7 but the transformation he envisions involves every part of the all-inclusive global system. As you read the following statement, don’t forget that "voluntary" has become a buzzword for a system with built-in controls that reward compliance and shows zero tolerance for non-compliance. To these social engineers, their ends justifies any deceptive means:
"Adopting a central organizing principle – one agreed to voluntarily – means embarking on an all-out effort to use every policy and program, every law and institution, every treaty and alliance, every tactic and strategy, every plan and course of action – to use, in short, every means to halt the destruction of the environment.... Minor shifts in policy, moderate improvement in laws and regulations, rhetoric offered in lieu of genuine change—these are all forms of appeasement, designed to satisfy the public’s desire to believe that sacrifice, struggle and a wrenching transformation of society will not be necessary."8
4. Behind UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan stands the powerful Canadian multi-billionaire Maurice Strong. The founder of both the World Economic Council and Planetary Citizens, he has served as director of the World Future Society, trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation and Aspen Institute, and a member of the Club of Rome. As head of the Earth Council, he began to prepare an Earth Charter—a global code of conduct based on global values and radical environmental guidelines. [He was discredited after accepting a million dollars from Saddam Hussein during the UN "Food for Oil" travesty.]
Strong led the 1992 "Earth Summit" in Rio de Janeiro (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development). It produced the controversial Biodiversity Treaty and Agenda 21 — the monstrous plan for reorganizing the world along environmental guidelines. One of his offices is only two blocks away from the White House.
Officially, Strong was "hired" by Annan to "reform" the massive, inefficient, and corrupt UN bureaucracy so that the US Congress would pay its dues. But his leadership brings little comfort to those who remember Strong’s occult and environmental ties, globalist ambitions, and corrupt business practices.
His true plan for UN reform is documented in Our Global Neighborhood, the report of the UN Commission on Global Governance, which Strong helped write. Like Towards a Rapid Reaction Capability for the United Nations, this report calls for a volunteer UN army under UN command, with UN police stationed in every region of the world:
"In many of today’s crises, it is clear than an early intervention could have prevented later negative developments…. This underlines the need for a highly trained UN Volunteer Force that is willing, if necessary, to take combat risks….This would be particularly useful in low-level but dangerous conflicts.
Such an international Volunteer Force would be under the exclusive authority of the Security Council." 9
What if the U.S. Congress disagrees with UN decisions. Could it simply press for a U.S. veto on the Security Council? Not if Strong implements his vision of reform. The United States, which is billed 25% of the huge UN budget, would be dismissed from the Security Council:
"We recommend that a new class of ‘standing‘ members be established…. Of these new members, two should be drawn from industrial countries and three from among the larger developing countries. Of the two from industrial countries, presumably one will be from Asia and one from Europe. Of the three from developing countries, we would expect one each to be drawn from Asia, Africa, and Latin America. . . . The new standing members will not possess a veto, and we believe the aim should be for the power of the veto to be phased out. 10
5. Most of the incremental steps toward UN control over its own local police happen in secret, behind closed doors. But some are made public, such as the following UN Press Release (#6397) issued on July 14, 1997:
"Noting the increasing role and special functions of civilian police in United Nations' peace-keeping operations, the Security Council this morning encouraged States [nations] to make appropriate trained police available to the Organization at short notice. . . . The council encouraged States to provide appropriate training of civilian police for international service…. [C]ivilian police performed indispensable functions in monitoring and training national police forces. They could play a major role, through assistance to local police forces, in restoring civil order, supporting the rule of law, and fostering civil reconciliation."
6. On September 14, 1998, U.S. Secretary of Defense William Cohen addressed the Council on Foreign Relations. In the euphemistically veiled language so typical of the Clinton administration, he described the current crisis and offered a government solution:
"To deal effectively with these challenges, we must have a national security policy based on four pillars:
Bi-partisan support for Defense Policy
Budgets adequate to maintain the world’s best military today and in the future
International cooperation
Interagency cooperation within our government"
Keep in mind that "international cooperation" means working with NATO and the UN. Three of the four points above were covered in the report mentioned earlier, Towards A Rapid Reaction Capability for the United Nations. The list of excerpts at the end of this report broadens our view of the vast bureaucracies, monstrous power, and arrogant ambitions that drive the UN agenda and its worldwide network of disciples every closer to Maurice Strong’s vision of "global governance". To speed the process, the United States is expected to contribute troops as well as its enviable expertise in surveillance and reconnaissance technology. American taxes would fund and arm a global management system that aims to crush Christianity, Western culture, capitalism, and the US Constitution.
7. Controlling the flow of information is vital to the envisioned global management system. To this end, each nation must fund and implement its part of the massive global information and monitoring system. In the following section of Towards A Rapid Reaction Capability for the United Nations, notice the reference to Information Management.
"The types of technologies which could play a greater role in peacekeeping operations are: surveillance technologies, communications equipment and enhanced information management systems….
"An attractive technology for a variety of peace operations is aerial reconnaissance of ground activity. Access to satellite capability… may have great strategic potential.
"The ability to locate, identify and monitor virtually all vehicular movement… has obvious applicability to monitoring, surveillance and control missions.
"….surveillance technologies and information management systems could be integrated into an organization-wide system to enhance contingency planning…." (pages 56-57)
Such an integrated UN-U.S. information management system is needed for other global programs as well. At the 1995 UN Conference for Women in Beijing, 11 our U.S. delegation committed our nation to participate in an international monitoring system controlled by the UN Economic and Social Council. This system would monitor compliance with politically correct gender roles in schools, workplaces, and homes (parents could no longer model traditional gender roles in the home). Fulfilling his part of the UN plan, President Clinton signed Executive Order 13011, establishing a massive interagency bureaucracy with power to -
manage "Federal Information Technology"
disseminate politically correct information
build massive data banks
share the data with international bodies such as the United Nations.
8. A crisis need not erupt before the UN militia begins its work. In fact, one of its major responsibilities would be to monitor human rights violations around the world. If that doesn’t concern you, please read our reports on Executive Order 13107: Human Rights Implementation and The UN Plan for Your Mental Health.
The 1998 International IDNDR Conference on Early Warning Systems for the Reduction of Natural Disasters chose as its theme, "Building a Culture of Prevention." For our globalist leaders who promote "systems thinking," the theme of prevention includes all conceivable areas of potential conflict and non-compliance. What’s more, this theme provides a catchy rationale for continual and pervasive surveillance of beliefs, attitudes, and actions. In light of the UN’s overall quest for global "peace" and "solidarity," ponder the following quote from The Declaration of the Potsdam Early Warning Conference:
"Successful early warning requires unrestricted access to data that is freely available for exchange. Ultimately, all resulting information must be credible, and emanate from a single officially designated authority.
"Participants emphasized that early warning is effective only to the extent that policy makers at national levels of authority have the will, and make a sustained commitment of resources that will establish protective measures. It is crucial that these measures support the development of early warning capabilities at the community level and that they be based on local vulnerability and risk assessments." 12
In other words, the U.S. must provide the UN with all the data needed to assess potential conflict of any sort anywhere. Among the conflicts the UN police are being trained to resolve are human rights violations. In the eyes of UN leaders, any group that violates the UN standard for politically correct beliefs and values could be "at risk" of creating conflict.13 Would non-compliant people be among the risk factors that could trigger the "early warning systems"?
9. Finally, see how the pieces fit together. Ponder the following quotes from Towards A Rapid Reaction Capability for the United Nations:
"… This study’s central objective is to recommend changes at all levels of the UN system which would give the UN an enhanced capability to respond rapidly to crisis situations." (p. iv)
"…there are several generic components of rapid reaction which must be included in an UN capability if it is to be effective:
an early warning mechanism to alert the system to an impending conflict or crisis;
an effective decision-making process…
adequate finance….
well-trained personnel." (p. iv)
"Current early-warning systems could be substantially strengthened by working towards an element of 'automaticity' in early-warning arrangements. Ideally, as Jessica Tuchman Mathews, of the Council of Foreign Relations, New York has suggested, "The UN should develop an automatic system of responses . . . . The key is that a certain set of findings would trigger a set of predetermined responses for rapid reaction.. . . .
"Nothing can tie the hands of the Security Council in making decisions." (p.44)
"To enhance rapid reaction, the UN and Member States need to address the nature of training to be conducted and the management systems which should be put into place to ensure that national training programs are responsive to the UN’s requirements." (p. 54)
"The UN … would not have to await the lengthy domestic processes of each Member State before a critical mass of police forces is assembled.... a permanent force could be trained to the high standards which the UN should demand. . . .
"The Vanguard Concept … is based on standby arrangements for nationally-based units linked to a UN operational headquarters. … The presence of regional headquarters would provide for greater flexibility and reduce the time required for deployment. . . . Governments are sometimes reluctant to release their forces for duty…. Even when Governments are disposed to concur… the process of seeking authorization is often slow…. (p. 60)
"As they would remain under national command, national authorities would retain primary responsibility for their administration, pay and benefits." (p. 61)
The United Nations may well position its "highly trained" Volunteer Force armed with America’s latest surveillance and reconnaissance technology in our midst. Such an action would fit the vision of many US leaders who, for political reasons, prefer to let the UN make such unpolular choices for them. If this happens, and if this Force must carry out Security Council orders that our Congress would forbid, there will be no earthly place to hide from tyrannical leaders.
While we must do all we can to stop this intrusion upon American sovereignty and freedom, we need to remember that the forces arrayed against us are far greater than our mere human efforts. Only God can bring victory. I suggest that we turn to Him, listen to His instructions, and follow His plan. Jehoshophat, a godly king in Old Testament days, said it well:
"O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You." (2 Chronicles 20:12)
Together, the people prayed, followed God's instructions, and won the war in a mighty demonstration of the power and faithfulness of our God.
1.Towards a Rapid Reaction Capability for the UN (The Government of Canada, 1992), p. 62.
2. Our Global Neighborhood, The Commission on Global Governance (Oxford University Press, 1995), 110-111.
3. George Archibald, "White House backs standby UN army," Washington Times, April 23, 1998.
4. Towards a Rapid Reaction Capability for the UN , page 63.
5. Ibid., page 56-57.
6. Ibid., page 55.
7. See Local Agenda 21.
8. Al Gore, Earth in the Balance; Ecology and the Human Spirit (Houghton Mifflin, 1992), p. 274.
9. Our Global Neighborhood, The Commission on Global Governance (Oxford University Press, 1995), 110-111.
10. Ibid., 240, 241.
11. You can read about this UN conference, and the global sisterhood that led it, in chapter 9 of A Twist of Faith.
13.See the UN Plan for Your Mental Health
See also Local Agenda 21- The U.N. Plan for Your Community and
World Heritage "Protection": UNESCO's War Against National Sovereignty
Friday, October 29, 2010
Jenner and JFK's Warren Commission
"Albert Jenner was truly a curious choice for the commission staff. He was fundamentally a creature of the anti-Kennedy milieu - a corporate lawyer whose principal work was defending large companies against government trust-busting... Jenner's most important client was Chicago financier Henry Crown, who was the principal shareholder in General Dynamics, then the nation's largest defense contractor and a major employer in the Fort Worth area."
General Dynamics to support US command in Afghanistan
General Dynamics to support US command in Afghanistan
7 October 2010
Share Comment
General Dynamics Information Technology, a provider of IT systems and communications networks for the defence sector, has been awarded a three-year, $39m (£25m) task order by the US Army Sustainment Command to provide logistics support to the US Army’s 1st Theater Sustainment Command in Afghanistan.
General Dynamics will help to provide the supplies needed to sustain the US Army’s expanded presence in the country.
Tony Rezko
August 2, 2010 (CHICAGO) (WLS) -- Members of the Illinois Republican Party are criticizing Democratic Senate candidate Alexi Giannoulias over a loan issued by his family's bank.
They claim Giannoulias misled voters. Giannoulias says Republicans are just trying to distract voters from real issues.
The deal in question was made in February 2006, at least four months after Giannoulias had quit his job as chief loan officer to run for Illinois treasurer. And unlike many other Broadway Bank commercial real estate loans, the $22.7 million was paid back within six months.
Still, Republicans accused the Democratic U
Chicago Business
D'Arco tied to Miami hotel funded by Giannoulias bank
By: Greg Hinz October 24, 2006
Related Content
•Green Scene: Clean Energy Trust aims to make Illinois a ...
•Crain’s endorsement: Congressman Mark Kirk for U.S. ...
•Crain's endorses Brady for governor, Kirk for Senate
•Building a business from bad loans
Mayor Daley at Crain's .(Crain's) -- Former state Sen. John D'Arco -- twice convicted of federal corruption charges -- is involved in a land deal financed by a bank that's owned by the family of Alexi Giannoulias, the Democratic candidate for Illinois treasurer.
Official records in Florida indicate that Mr. D'Arco and two convicted bookmakers joined in March 2001, to incorporate a company that acquired the Lorraine Hotel in Miami Beach, Fla. Two months later, the firm received the first of a series of mortgage loans from Broadway Bank, where Mr. Giannoulias is a vice-president.
Politics in Chicago
October 7, 2010 (CHICAGO) (WLS) -- President Barack Obama joined forces with Democrats in Chicago Thursday night in an attempt to keep Republicans from winning his former Senate seat.
It was the second time in ten weeks the president has campaigned in Chicago for Alexi Giannoulias who is trying to retain for the Democrats the U.S. Senate seat once held by Barack Obama
The president was expected to................
Giannoulias consistently vague about his job at the bank
And, interestingly, both included in their lists a Giannoulias quote published in the Windy City Times just before the March 2006, primary for state treasurer: "I'm senior loan officer and vice president (of the bank), so I oversee a $600 million loan department."
"I'm" would seem to indicate present tense. And, in fact, in every news story I could track down from the 2006 primary and general election campaigns, the references and paraphrases indicated Giannoulias was still the senior loan officer and vice president.
This matters because Broadway Bank, which has since gone under, made several loans to shady characters during that era, including a $22.75 million loan in February 2006, to a development company partially owned by crooked financier Antoin "Tony" Rezko.
John D'Arco
82, the former longtime Democratic committeeman of the old 1st Ward who federal authorities say served as a link between organized crime and politics, died Saturday after a long illness.
Mr. D'Arco, also a former alderman and legislator, was the target of numerous investigations in his four decades as committeeman but was never charged with any crime.
He was born in Chicago, grew up on the Near West Side and in 1945 became a state legislator. In 1951, he became 1st Ward alderman, a seat he held until 1963. By 1952 he was also ward Democratic committeemen.
Mr. D'Arco retired as committeeman after the city adopted a new ward map in 1992 that …
Criminals in Chicago Harry Aleman-John D'Arco, Sr.
In his free and easy days, Harry Aleman roamed the streets of Chicago basking in the certain knowledge that his reputation as the syndicate’s most efficient “enforcer” bestowed upon him a certain celebrity status. He enjoyed the protection of John D’Arco, Sr., the crooked First Ward Democratic committeeman, and his principal administrative aide, Pat Marcy, whose influence in such matters dated back to the heyday of the notorious West Side Bloc of syndicate-controlled politicians who rose to power in the 1940s.
Together these men ruled the First Ward and acted on behalf of the Chicago outfit when the outfit’s interests were threatened as they were in 1977 when Harry “the Hook” Aleman was about to stand trial for the 1972 shotgun murder of Teamster steward William Logan.
Operation Greylord Chicago Tribune
One lawyer in the room--Terrence Hake--was not surprised by the news. Disgusted with the corruption that permeated the Cook County court system, he had become the FBI's mole in its unprecedented investigation of judicial corruption. First as a prosecutor and later as a defense lawyer, Hake had burrowed into the dark side of justice, handing out bribes to fix cases concocted by the FBI.Four months after the Greylord investigation was revealed, the first indictments were announced, naming two judges, a former judge, three attorneys, two court clerks and a police officer. "I believe this will be viewed as one of the most comprehensive, intricate and difficult undercover projects ever undertaken by a law-enforcement agency," U.S. Atty. Dan Webb said in announcing those charges.
The allegations ranged from fixing drunken-driving cases to more serious felony charges. One lawyer was caught on tape bragging that "even a murder case can be fixed if the judge is given something to hang his hat on." By the end of the decade, nearly 100 people had been indicted, and all but a handful were convicted. Of the 17 judges indicted, 15 were convicted. The tally of convictions included 50 lawyers, as well as court clerks, police officers and sheriff's deputies.
Operation Silver Shovel wikipedia
The official seal of the FBI.Operation Silver Shovel was a major United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) probe into political corruption in Chicago during the 1990s. By the end of the probe illegal activities from labor union corruption to drug trafficking and organized crime activity were unearthed and corruption convictions were handed out to 18 individuals.[1]
Alderman Edward Burke part iii top machine boss of Obamas Chicago
Ald. Edward M. Burke (14th), whose decisions on hiring lawyers in the City Council ward remap case have funneled $7.5 million in city fees to the prominent Jenner and Block law firm, holds co-counsel status with that firm in two recent lawsuits, court records show. Burke’s links with the firm do not appear to violate any laws or regulations…
Managing partner Jerold Solovy – who is the lead attorney in the remap case – was treasurer of the unopposed 1996 campaign for Illinois Appellate Court justice of Anne Burke, the alderman’s wife. And prominent [Jenner and Block] partner John Simon served as her campaign chairman. The firm provided $14,414.15 in services and money to the campaign.
The firm hired Burke’s daughter Jennifer A. Burke in June, 1995, shortly after she graduated 173rd in a class of 385 from Chicago Kent College of Law. In making new hires, the firm usually draws top students from the nation’s leading law schools. Two weeks ago, Burke, whose name has been linked to the federal investigation of ghost payrolling at City Hall, hired Jenner and Block partner and former U.S. Attorney Anton Valukas to represent him in that inquiry.
Albert E. Jenner, Jr. of Jenner and Block
Albert Ernest Jenner, Jr. (June 20, 1907–September 18, 1988) was an American lawyer and one of the name partners at the law firm of Jenner & Block. He served as assistant counsel to the Warren Commission; as a member of the U.S. National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence; and as special counsel to the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate Scandal.
"Albert Jenner was truly a curious choice for the commission staff. He was fundamentally a creature of the anti-Kennedy milieu - a corporate lawyer whose principal work was defending large companies against government trust-busting... Jenner's most important client was Chicago financier Henry Crown, who was the principal shareholder in General Dynamics, then the nation's largest defense contractor and a major employer in the Fort Worth area."
General Dynamics to support US command in Afghanistan
General Dynamics to support US command in Afghanistan
7 October 2010
Share Comment
General Dynamics Information Technology, a provider of IT systems and communications networks for the defence sector, has been awarded a three-year, $39m (£25m) task order by the US Army Sustainment Command to provide logistics support to the US Army’s 1st Theater Sustainment Command in Afghanistan.
General Dynamics will help to provide the supplies needed to sustain the US Army’s expanded presence in the country.
Tony Rezko
August 2, 2010 (CHICAGO) (WLS) -- Members of the Illinois Republican Party are criticizing Democratic Senate candidate Alexi Giannoulias over a loan issued by his family's bank.
They claim Giannoulias misled voters. Giannoulias says Republicans are just trying to distract voters from real issues.
The deal in question was made in February 2006, at least four months after Giannoulias had quit his job as chief loan officer to run for Illinois treasurer. And unlike many other Broadway Bank commercial real estate loans, the $22.7 million was paid back within six months.
Still, Republicans accused the Democratic U
Chicago Business
D'Arco tied to Miami hotel funded by Giannoulias bank
By: Greg Hinz October 24, 2006
Related Content
•Green Scene: Clean Energy Trust aims to make Illinois a ...
•Crain’s endorsement: Congressman Mark Kirk for U.S. ...
•Crain's endorses Brady for governor, Kirk for Senate
•Building a business from bad loans
Mayor Daley at Crain's .(Crain's) -- Former state Sen. John D'Arco -- twice convicted of federal corruption charges -- is involved in a land deal financed by a bank that's owned by the family of Alexi Giannoulias, the Democratic candidate for Illinois treasurer.
Official records in Florida indicate that Mr. D'Arco and two convicted bookmakers joined in March 2001, to incorporate a company that acquired the Lorraine Hotel in Miami Beach, Fla. Two months later, the firm received the first of a series of mortgage loans from Broadway Bank, where Mr. Giannoulias is a vice-president.
Politics in Chicago
October 7, 2010 (CHICAGO) (WLS) -- President Barack Obama joined forces with Democrats in Chicago Thursday night in an attempt to keep Republicans from winning his former Senate seat.
It was the second time in ten weeks the president has campaigned in Chicago for Alexi Giannoulias who is trying to retain for the Democrats the U.S. Senate seat once held by Barack Obama
The president was expected to................
Giannoulias consistently vague about his job at the bank
And, interestingly, both included in their lists a Giannoulias quote published in the Windy City Times just before the March 2006, primary for state treasurer: "I'm senior loan officer and vice president (of the bank), so I oversee a $600 million loan department."
"I'm" would seem to indicate present tense. And, in fact, in every news story I could track down from the 2006 primary and general election campaigns, the references and paraphrases indicated Giannoulias was still the senior loan officer and vice president.
This matters because Broadway Bank, which has since gone under, made several loans to shady characters during that era, including a $22.75 million loan in February 2006, to a development company partially owned by crooked financier Antoin "Tony" Rezko.
John D'Arco
82, the former longtime Democratic committeeman of the old 1st Ward who federal authorities say served as a link between organized crime and politics, died Saturday after a long illness.
Mr. D'Arco, also a former alderman and legislator, was the target of numerous investigations in his four decades as committeeman but was never charged with any crime.
He was born in Chicago, grew up on the Near West Side and in 1945 became a state legislator. In 1951, he became 1st Ward alderman, a seat he held until 1963. By 1952 he was also ward Democratic committeemen.
Mr. D'Arco retired as committeeman after the city adopted a new ward map in 1992 that …
Criminals in Chicago Harry Aleman-John D'Arco, Sr.
In his free and easy days, Harry Aleman roamed the streets of Chicago basking in the certain knowledge that his reputation as the syndicate’s most efficient “enforcer” bestowed upon him a certain celebrity status. He enjoyed the protection of John D’Arco, Sr., the crooked First Ward Democratic committeeman, and his principal administrative aide, Pat Marcy, whose influence in such matters dated back to the heyday of the notorious West Side Bloc of syndicate-controlled politicians who rose to power in the 1940s.
Together these men ruled the First Ward and acted on behalf of the Chicago outfit when the outfit’s interests were threatened as they were in 1977 when Harry “the Hook” Aleman was about to stand trial for the 1972 shotgun murder of Teamster steward William Logan.
Operation Greylord Chicago Tribune
One lawyer in the room--Terrence Hake--was not surprised by the news. Disgusted with the corruption that permeated the Cook County court system, he had become the FBI's mole in its unprecedented investigation of judicial corruption. First as a prosecutor and later as a defense lawyer, Hake had burrowed into the dark side of justice, handing out bribes to fix cases concocted by the FBI.Four months after the Greylord investigation was revealed, the first indictments were announced, naming two judges, a former judge, three attorneys, two court clerks and a police officer. "I believe this will be viewed as one of the most comprehensive, intricate and difficult undercover projects ever undertaken by a law-enforcement agency," U.S. Atty. Dan Webb said in announcing those charges.
The allegations ranged from fixing drunken-driving cases to more serious felony charges. One lawyer was caught on tape bragging that "even a murder case can be fixed if the judge is given something to hang his hat on." By the end of the decade, nearly 100 people had been indicted, and all but a handful were convicted. Of the 17 judges indicted, 15 were convicted. The tally of convictions included 50 lawyers, as well as court clerks, police officers and sheriff's deputies.
Operation Silver Shovel wikipedia
The official seal of the FBI.Operation Silver Shovel was a major United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) probe into political corruption in Chicago during the 1990s. By the end of the probe illegal activities from labor union corruption to drug trafficking and organized crime activity were unearthed and corruption convictions were handed out to 18 individuals.[1]
Alderman Edward Burke part iii top machine boss of Obamas Chicago
Ald. Edward M. Burke (14th), whose decisions on hiring lawyers in the City Council ward remap case have funneled $7.5 million in city fees to the prominent Jenner and Block law firm, holds co-counsel status with that firm in two recent lawsuits, court records show. Burke’s links with the firm do not appear to violate any laws or regulations…
Managing partner Jerold Solovy – who is the lead attorney in the remap case – was treasurer of the unopposed 1996 campaign for Illinois Appellate Court justice of Anne Burke, the alderman’s wife. And prominent [Jenner and Block] partner John Simon served as her campaign chairman. The firm provided $14,414.15 in services and money to the campaign.
The firm hired Burke’s daughter Jennifer A. Burke in June, 1995, shortly after she graduated 173rd in a class of 385 from Chicago Kent College of Law. In making new hires, the firm usually draws top students from the nation’s leading law schools. Two weeks ago, Burke, whose name has been linked to the federal investigation of ghost payrolling at City Hall, hired Jenner and Block partner and former U.S. Attorney Anton Valukas to represent him in that inquiry.
Albert E. Jenner, Jr. of Jenner and Block
Albert Ernest Jenner, Jr. (June 20, 1907–September 18, 1988) was an American lawyer and one of the name partners at the law firm of Jenner & Block. He served as assistant counsel to the Warren Commission; as a member of the U.S. National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence; and as special counsel to the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate Scandal.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling pdf
Bob Graham, Co-Chair, William K. Reilly, Co-Chair, Frances Beinecke, Donald F.,Boesch,Terry D. Garcia, Cherry A. Murray, Fran Ulmer, Richard Lazarus Executive Director
To: Bob Graham, Co-Chair, William K. Reilly, Co-Chair, Frances Beinecke, Donald F. Boesch, Terry D. Garcia, Cherry A. Murray, Fran Ulmer
October 28, 2010
Dear Commissioners,
We write to report the results of cement testing that we have recently
conducted and several conclusions we have reached based on that testing
and documents subsequently provided to us by Halliburton. We wanted to
report these results immediately to facilitate your consideration of their
implications for offshore drilling safety.
We have known for some time that the cement used to secure the
production casing and isolate the hydrocarbon zone at the bottom of the
Macondo well must have failed in some manner. That cement should have
prevented hydrocarbons from entering the well. For a variety of technical
reasons that we will explain at the upcoming hearing, BP cemented the
well with a nitrogen foam cement recommended and supplied by
Halliburton. Halliburton generated the nitrogen foam cement by injecting
high pressure nitrogen into a base cement slurry as it pumped that slurry
into the well.
We asked Halliburton to supply us samples of materials like those actually
used at the Macondo well so that we could investigate issues surrounding
the cement failure. Halliburton provided us off-the-shelf cement and
additive materials used at the Macondo well from their stock. Although
these materials did not come from the specific batches used at the Macondo
well, they are in all other ways identical in composition to the slurry used
Fourth Floor One Thomas Circle, NW Washington, D.C. 20005 • Tel (202) 254-2600 • Fax (202) 254-2617 •
National Commission on the
Chevron agreed as a public service to test the cement slurry on behalf of
the Commission. Chevron employs some of the industry's most respected
cement experts, and it maintains a state-of-the art cement testing facility
in Houston, Texas. Halliburton agreed that the Chevron lab was highly
qualified for this work.
We attach Chevron's report of its laboratory tests, and we have invited one
of its experts to discuss that report with you at the public hearing on
November 9.
Chevron's report states, among other things, that its lab personnel were
unable to generate stable foam cement in the laboratory using the
materials provided by Halliburton and available design information
regarding the slurry used at the Macondo well. Although laboratory foam
stability tests cannot replicate field conditions perfectly, these data
strongly suggest that the foam cement used at Macondo was unstable.
This may have contributed to the blowout.
Bob Graham, Co-Chair
William K. Reilly, Co-Chair
Frances Beinecke
Donald F. Boesch
Terry D. Garcia
Cherry A. Murray
Fran Ulmer
Richard Lazarus
Executive Director
Halliburton has stated publicly that it tested the Macondo cement before
pumping it on April 19 th and 20th, and that its tests indicated the cement
would be stable. When Chevron informed us of the preliminary results of
its tests, we asked Halliburton to give us all of the data from all tests it
had run on the Macondo cement slurry.
The documents provided to us by Halliburton show, among other things,
that its personnel conducted at least four foam stability tests relevant to
the Macondo cement slurry. The first two tests were conducted in
February 2010 using different well design parameters and a slightly
different slurry recipe than was finally used. Both tests indicated that this
foam slurry design was unstable.
Halliburton provided data from one of the two February tests to BP in an
email dated March 8, 2010. The data appeared in a technical report along
with other information. There is no indication that Halliburton
highlighted to BP the significance of the foam stability data or that BP
personnel raised any questions about it. There is no indication that
Halliburton provided the data from the other February test to BP.
Fourth Floor One Thomas Circle, NW Washington, D.C. 20005 • Tel (202) 254-2600 • Fax (202) 254-2617 •
National Commission on the
Bob Graham, Co-Chair
William K. Reilly, Co-Chair
Frances Beinecke
Donald F. Boesch
Terry D. Garcia
Cherry A. Murray
Fran Ulmer
Richard Lazarus
Executive Director
Halliburton conducted two additional foam stability tests in April, this
time using the actual recipe and design poured at the Macondo well. We
believe that its personnel conducted the first of these two tests on or about
April 13, seven days before the blowout Lab personnel used slightly
different lab protocols than they had used in February. Although there are
some indications that lab personnel may have conducted this test
improperly, it once again indicated that the foam slurry design was
unstable. The results of this test were reported internally within
Halliburton by at least April 17, though it appears that Halliburton never
provided the data to BP.
It appears that Halliburton personnel began a second April foam stability
test shortly after receiving the unfavorable results from the first April test.
Halliburton personnel again modified the testing procedure, and this time
— for the first time — the data indicated the foam slurry design would be
stable. We are not yet certain when Halliburton reported this data
internally or whether the test was even complete prior to the time the
cement job was poured at the Macondo well. Halliburton reported this
data to BP after the blowout.
Taken together, these documents lead us to believe that:
Only one of the four tests discussed above that Halliburton ran
on the various slurry designs for the final cement job at the
Macondo well indicated that the slurry design would be stable;
Halliburton may not have had—and BP did not have—the
results of that test before the evening of April 19, meaning that
the cement job may have been pumped without any lab results
indicating that the foam cement slurry would be stable;
Halliburton and BP both had results in March showing that a
very similar foam slurry design to the one actually pumped at
the Macondo well would be unstable, but neither acted upon
that data; and
Fourth Floor One Thomas Circle, NW Washington, D.C. 20005 • Tel (202) 254-2600 • Fax (202) 254-2617 •
National Commission on the
(4) Halliburton (and perhaps BP) should have considered
redesigning the foam slurry before pumping it at the Macondo
Finally, we want to emphasize that even if our concerns regarding the
foam slurry design at Macondo are well founded, the story of the blowout
does not turn solely on the quality of the Macondo cement job. Cementing
wells is a complex endeavor and industry experts inform us that cementing
failures are not uncommon even in the best of circumstances. Because it
may be anticipated that a particular cement job may be faulty, the oil
industry has developed tests, such as the negative pressure test and
cement evaluation logs, to identify cementing failures. It has also
developed methods to remedy deficient cement jobs.
Bob Graham, Co-Chair
William K. Reilly, Co-Chair
Frances Beinecke
Donald F. Boesch
Terry D. Garcia
Cherry A. Murray
Fran Ulmer
Richard Lazarus
Executive Director
BP and/or Transocean personnel misinterpreted or chose not to conduct
such tests at the Macondo well.
/ s / Fred H. Bartlit
Fred H. Bartlit, Jr.
Sean C. Grimsley
Sambhav N Sankar
Fourth Floor One Thomas Circle, NW Washington, D.C. 20005 • Tel (202) 254-2600 • Fax (202) 254-2617 •
Bob Graham, Co-Chair, William K. Reilly, Co-Chair, Frances Beinecke, Donald F.,Boesch,Terry D. Garcia, Cherry A. Murray, Fran Ulmer, Richard Lazarus Executive Director
To: Bob Graham, Co-Chair, William K. Reilly, Co-Chair, Frances Beinecke, Donald F. Boesch, Terry D. Garcia, Cherry A. Murray, Fran Ulmer
October 28, 2010
Dear Commissioners,
We write to report the results of cement testing that we have recently
conducted and several conclusions we have reached based on that testing
and documents subsequently provided to us by Halliburton. We wanted to
report these results immediately to facilitate your consideration of their
implications for offshore drilling safety.
We have known for some time that the cement used to secure the
production casing and isolate the hydrocarbon zone at the bottom of the
Macondo well must have failed in some manner. That cement should have
prevented hydrocarbons from entering the well. For a variety of technical
reasons that we will explain at the upcoming hearing, BP cemented the
well with a nitrogen foam cement recommended and supplied by
Halliburton. Halliburton generated the nitrogen foam cement by injecting
high pressure nitrogen into a base cement slurry as it pumped that slurry
into the well.
We asked Halliburton to supply us samples of materials like those actually
used at the Macondo well so that we could investigate issues surrounding
the cement failure. Halliburton provided us off-the-shelf cement and
additive materials used at the Macondo well from their stock. Although
these materials did not come from the specific batches used at the Macondo
well, they are in all other ways identical in composition to the slurry used
Fourth Floor One Thomas Circle, NW Washington, D.C. 20005 • Tel (202) 254-2600 • Fax (202) 254-2617 •
National Commission on the
Chevron agreed as a public service to test the cement slurry on behalf of
the Commission. Chevron employs some of the industry's most respected
cement experts, and it maintains a state-of-the art cement testing facility
in Houston, Texas. Halliburton agreed that the Chevron lab was highly
qualified for this work.
We attach Chevron's report of its laboratory tests, and we have invited one
of its experts to discuss that report with you at the public hearing on
November 9.
Chevron's report states, among other things, that its lab personnel were
unable to generate stable foam cement in the laboratory using the
materials provided by Halliburton and available design information
regarding the slurry used at the Macondo well. Although laboratory foam
stability tests cannot replicate field conditions perfectly, these data
strongly suggest that the foam cement used at Macondo was unstable.
This may have contributed to the blowout.
Bob Graham, Co-Chair
William K. Reilly, Co-Chair
Frances Beinecke
Donald F. Boesch
Terry D. Garcia
Cherry A. Murray
Fran Ulmer
Richard Lazarus
Executive Director
Halliburton has stated publicly that it tested the Macondo cement before
pumping it on April 19 th and 20th, and that its tests indicated the cement
would be stable. When Chevron informed us of the preliminary results of
its tests, we asked Halliburton to give us all of the data from all tests it
had run on the Macondo cement slurry.
The documents provided to us by Halliburton show, among other things,
that its personnel conducted at least four foam stability tests relevant to
the Macondo cement slurry. The first two tests were conducted in
February 2010 using different well design parameters and a slightly
different slurry recipe than was finally used. Both tests indicated that this
foam slurry design was unstable.
Halliburton provided data from one of the two February tests to BP in an
email dated March 8, 2010. The data appeared in a technical report along
with other information. There is no indication that Halliburton
highlighted to BP the significance of the foam stability data or that BP
personnel raised any questions about it. There is no indication that
Halliburton provided the data from the other February test to BP.
Fourth Floor One Thomas Circle, NW Washington, D.C. 20005 • Tel (202) 254-2600 • Fax (202) 254-2617 •
National Commission on the
Bob Graham, Co-Chair
William K. Reilly, Co-Chair
Frances Beinecke
Donald F. Boesch
Terry D. Garcia
Cherry A. Murray
Fran Ulmer
Richard Lazarus
Executive Director
Halliburton conducted two additional foam stability tests in April, this
time using the actual recipe and design poured at the Macondo well. We
believe that its personnel conducted the first of these two tests on or about
April 13, seven days before the blowout Lab personnel used slightly
different lab protocols than they had used in February. Although there are
some indications that lab personnel may have conducted this test
improperly, it once again indicated that the foam slurry design was
unstable. The results of this test were reported internally within
Halliburton by at least April 17, though it appears that Halliburton never
provided the data to BP.
It appears that Halliburton personnel began a second April foam stability
test shortly after receiving the unfavorable results from the first April test.
Halliburton personnel again modified the testing procedure, and this time
— for the first time — the data indicated the foam slurry design would be
stable. We are not yet certain when Halliburton reported this data
internally or whether the test was even complete prior to the time the
cement job was poured at the Macondo well. Halliburton reported this
data to BP after the blowout.
Taken together, these documents lead us to believe that:
Only one of the four tests discussed above that Halliburton ran
on the various slurry designs for the final cement job at the
Macondo well indicated that the slurry design would be stable;
Halliburton may not have had—and BP did not have—the
results of that test before the evening of April 19, meaning that
the cement job may have been pumped without any lab results
indicating that the foam cement slurry would be stable;
Halliburton and BP both had results in March showing that a
very similar foam slurry design to the one actually pumped at
the Macondo well would be unstable, but neither acted upon
that data; and
Fourth Floor One Thomas Circle, NW Washington, D.C. 20005 • Tel (202) 254-2600 • Fax (202) 254-2617 •
National Commission on the
(4) Halliburton (and perhaps BP) should have considered
redesigning the foam slurry before pumping it at the Macondo
Finally, we want to emphasize that even if our concerns regarding the
foam slurry design at Macondo are well founded, the story of the blowout
does not turn solely on the quality of the Macondo cement job. Cementing
wells is a complex endeavor and industry experts inform us that cementing
failures are not uncommon even in the best of circumstances. Because it
may be anticipated that a particular cement job may be faulty, the oil
industry has developed tests, such as the negative pressure test and
cement evaluation logs, to identify cementing failures. It has also
developed methods to remedy deficient cement jobs.
Bob Graham, Co-Chair
William K. Reilly, Co-Chair
Frances Beinecke
Donald F. Boesch
Terry D. Garcia
Cherry A. Murray
Fran Ulmer
Richard Lazarus
Executive Director
BP and/or Transocean personnel misinterpreted or chose not to conduct
such tests at the Macondo well.
/ s / Fred H. Bartlit
Fred H. Bartlit, Jr.
Sean C. Grimsley
Sambhav N Sankar
Fourth Floor One Thomas Circle, NW Washington, D.C. 20005 • Tel (202) 254-2600 • Fax (202) 254-2617 •
Monday, October 25, 2010
Johnny Gosch and Valerie Plame
Gannon, a.k.a. Gosch, was responsible for the Valerie Plame White House leak that allegedly caused 70 CIA undercover agents to be murdered.
Johnny Gosch and Michael Chertoff and Alberto Gonsalves
The Special Prosecutor became aware that D.C. Escort Service operative, Jeff Gannon most likely alias Johnny Gosch, received the secret details directly from George W. Bush himself, either upstairs in the White House or across the street in an Executive office building.
Gannon trained in whorehouse services as a penetration agent for a super-secret U.S. agency, was an expert in torture techniques called S-M. Gannon alias Gosch became a top-level consultant on torture methods to Alberto Gonzales, who was soft-ball questioned about this when being affirmed as the new U.S. Attorney General. Gonzales had informed Bush that torture was most likely okay since the "terrorists" were not, he claimed, subject to the Geneva Conventions for humane treatment of war prisoners.
Just like Chandra Levy, another woman who could have exposed some of D.C.'s darker secrets, who seven years to the day before Palfrey was apparently murdered, disappeared on May 1, 2001. May 1st is a satanic holiday called "Beltane", dedicated to human sacrifice. It is also the birthday of the Order of the Illuminati. This date was likely chosen in both murders as a sign to those in the know, the elitists, a large number of them satanists. There will probably never be an honest investigation into the Palfrey case. The truth about what really happened to Deborah Palfrey could reveal the truth about so many other deceptions generated by the government-media complex. For this and so many other reasons, we must demand an honest investigation into what really happened to Deborah Jeane Palfrey.
GAIA and Al Gore
Posted: October 06, 2002
Anyone who has studied the global environmental movement has no doubt heard the term "Gaia". Gaia is a revival of Paganism that rejects Christianity, considers Christianity its biggest enemy, and views the Christian faith as its only obstacle to a global religion centered on Gaia worship and the uniting of all life forms around the goddess of "Mother Earth". A cunning mixture of science, paganism, eastern mysticism, and feminism have made this pagan cult a growing threat to the Christian Church. Gaia worship is at the very heart of today's environmental policy. The Endangered Species Act, The United Nation's Biodiversity Treaty and the Presidents Council on Sustainable Development are all offspring of the Gaia hypothesis of saving "Mother Earth". This religious movement, with cult-like qualities, is being promoted by leading figures and organizations such as former Vice President Albert Gore, broadcaster Ted Turner, and the United Nations and it's various NGO's. Al Gore's book "Earth in the Balance" is just one of many books that unabashedly proclaims the deity of Earth and blames the falling away from this Pagan God on the environmentally unfriendly followers of Jesus Christ. The United Nations has been extremely successful in infusing the "Green Religion" into an international governmental body that has an increasing affect and control over all of our lives.
War is on Illuminati terms and times cuttingedge
War Beginning: President Bush began this war at 05:50 Baghdad time, on March 20, 2003, according to occult considerations, listed below:
* March 20, 2003 was an occult day, for the following reasons:
1. March 20 was the eve of Ostara -- March 21, 2003 is beginning of the Spring Equinox (Ostara)! Occultists worship the goddess of the earth (Gaia) on this day. The celebration, the Feast Day, is held on March 20, with actual ritual occurring on the 21st. In the occult mindset, this ritual celebrates the impregnation of Mother Earth so she may bring forth her crops in the Spring.
This Vernal Equinox is a Spring Fertility Rite, copied from the Satanic Druids. The deepest meaning is a "rebirthing" ceremony; what is it that this war is to "birth"? Antichrist, of course!
A blood sacrifice is required, as the sacrificial blood of the animal is poured into the ground, to spite God because of the Cain/Abel dispute. Remember the Scripture?
"And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper? And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground. And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand." [Gen 4:9-11]
To spite God on this day, Black Magick Satanists slaughter their animal and/or human sacrifice and purposely pour the blood into the ground. This day is extremely important to the Illuminist. Given the bloody nature of these two days, it seems fitting that they would be chosen to be the first official two days of this campaign.
Beltane wikipedia
EXCERPT:Beltane or Beltaine (in English pronounced /ˈbɛltən/) is the anglicised spelling of Old Irish Beltain (Irish Bealtaine Irish pronunciation: [ˈbʲal̪ˠt̪ˠənʲə], Scottish Gaelic Bealltainn [ˈbʲal̪ˠt̪ˠənʲ]), the Gaelic name for either the month of May or the festival that takes place on first day of May.
Real Terrorists
It was the Franklin Scandal that told us how bad it was. A case is made against two American presidents as pedophiles, not just them but hundreds of others including dozens of prominent members of congress. “Franklin” went after the GOP and their weakness, phony Christianity, phony “family values” and the love of young boys. We know it isn’t just the GOP and Pentagon but Franklin taught us how far America could go to cover up well documented crimes, how much control there is over, not only the criminal justice system but the news media as well.
Franklin Coverup Hoax wikipedia
LaRouche followers Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin also wrote about the Franklin Credit Union scandal and its alleged connection to the Washington prostitution ring in a book titled George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography. The book was published by Executive Intelligence Review in 1992.[14]
More allegations of a coverup came to light when a 56-minute documentary film about King's alleged child prostitution ring titled Conspiracy of Silence,[15] produced in 1993 by Yorkshire Television, surfaced on the Internet. The film features an interview with former CIA director William Colby, numerous members of the Nebraska state legislature including John DeCamp, and more than one alleged victim in the case.
In 2009, a new book by investigative journalist Nick Bryant was published about the scandal and alleged coverup. The book is titled: The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal.
Franklin Scandal Story Powerbrokers Betrayal
This review is from: The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal (Hardcover)
Nick Bryant's book is an excellent, even-handed investigation of a decades old scandal that is still being covered up to this day, and rewards the reader with even greater levels of detail and corroboration than the previous books on the subject (Franklin Cover-up and Carefully Crafted Hoax, both written well over a decade ago). Witness after witness corroborates the story of child trafficking and prostitution used to blackmail and ensnare powerful politicians, and the blatantly obvious cover-up that was "carefully crafted" by the FBI, law enforcement and the media. Readers of ex-Senator John DeCamp's book were probably already completely convinced of the corruption and cover-up surrounding Franklin, but Bryant's book nails that point home with even greater corroboration and updated information from the past few years. I would consider this book required reading and recommend it to everyone! Help other customers find the most helpful reviews
"Franklin Scandal.", September 5, 2009
By Elliott - See all my reviews
This review is from: The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal (Hardcover)
The Franklin Scandal is a comprehensive account of how a few, powerful, conceited individuals can abuse children, strip them of there dignity, leave them voiceless, and then hide their evil deeds through a campaign of fear, intimidation and bribes. Nick Bryant is one of the few individuals who has had the resolve to stand up to these bullies and not be intimidated to write this gut-wrenching story. People can't believe something this sinister could happen in the "Heartland," Omaha, Nebraska. However, as a youth, I remember hearing warnings that I should "stay away" from Alan Baer's Brandeis department store. If people in Omaha knew about Alan Baer's pandering, why didn't someone do anything about it? I dare you to read this book. Read, not only Nick's stories, but, also, read the actual notes from the trials and the original documents found in the appendices. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews
This review is from: The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal (Hardcover)
"Deep politics" is scholar Peter Dale Scott's term for historical machinations such as drug-running and assassinations which form covert if systemic features of the contemporary state and which are all-too naively dismissed as "conspiracy theories." A number of people who study such matters seriously have long suspected that the scandal centering on Omaha, Nebraska's Franklin Credit Union in the 1970s and `80s forms the conceptual linchpin to a truly critical understanding of the perverse, brutal and predatory nature of power in late-imperial America. Having read former Nebraska State Senator John DeCamp's brave if somewhat desultory 1992 book on the subject, THE FRANKLIN COVER-UP, and watched the unaired British television documentary CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE on the internet, we have also sensed, with a certain despair, that the nature and details of this scandal were so shocking, ugly, confusing and strange as to forever defy broader public credulity and scrutiny. It is with a profound sense of relief, admiration and gratitude, then, that one reads Nick Bryant's THE FRANKLIN SCANDAL, which accomplishes the seemingly impossible: an eminently gripping, thorough and accessible account of perhaps the grimmest aspect of contemporary U. S. history.
It is amusing to see the sole negative reviewer on these pages (as of this writing) suggest that Bryant has gullibly relied only on the apparent victims of the scandal, when in fact the author has taken pains to bolster accusations voiced in his book with the testimony of law-enforcement, governmental, mental health, legal and social-service officials, as well as journalists and others whose professions and/or personal relationships brought them into the orbit of this lurid story.
Anything but the ramblings of a susceptible naïf, Bryant's book appears as a model of journalistic integrity and a triumph of the investigative craft. Relying on official court and law enforcement documents and an extensive array of interviews with those involved in a variety of aspects of the scandal, it conveys a massive amount of carefully corroborated and meticulously researched data while maintaining all the tension and drama of the very best true-crime narratives. Bryant's own natural skepticism allows him to ultimately ground what appear to be Franklin's most far-fetched elements--Satanism, mind control, and the trafficking of children among our nation's elite for the purpose of sex--in an historical context that casts these admittedly outlandish phenomena in an intelligible and empirical light. Bryant's treatment of these subjects is deft, and his light touch and firm command of the overall material combine to a disarming effect that is sure to challenge all but the most recalcitrant of doubters.
While it provides well over a hundred pages of documentation in support of its disturbing thesis that there appears to be validity to the wrenching accusations of gravely scurrilous behavior on the part of an elite element in our society, among the other merits of Bryant's book is that it dispels certain myths that have accrued about Franklin over the years, even as it deepens our understanding of little-appreciated aspects of the story, such as Alicia Owen's protracted legal nightmare. The author's treatment of the scandal is highly comprehensive, but also circumspect; aficionados will want to consult DeCamp's THE FRANKLIN COVER-UP to fill in the names of certain apparent perpetrators, a few of whose identities Bryant--unable to finally track down every source he pursued over the several years he has worked on this story--only alludes to. (As the skeptical reader will no doubt appreciate, Bryant does not overstep his bounds, though given the vast amount of information he has collected, he hardly needs to.) There are certain other details found in DeCamp's book, pertaining for example to the exact nature of the extreme abuse apparently suffered by certain victims, which Bryant does not reiterate; given the acute nature of these violations, Bryant's overall eschewal of the sensational, and his palpable concern and respect for the victims' dignity, this elision appears understandable, especially as these horrific accounts have found a life of their own on the Web. This said, the author's description of the abuse conveys its iniquity, and there is much in this book that will be new to readers of DeCamp, who as an attorney close to the case lacks Bryant's journalistic precision, clarity, sense of narrative structure, and critical distance. This is not said to detract from DeCamp's compelling book, but to point out that Bryant brings a great deal that is new to this important story.
In all, this is an enraging book, and toward its conclusion the reader reels in disgust at its main point: the subsequent abuse suffered by victims when they were subjected to the federal and state legal systems during the cover-up phase of the scandal. What this suggests about the state of our public institutions is one of the most disturbing aspects of this book. Still, aside from a cast of shameless villains there are heroes and heroines who emerge in the story, whose efforts in the face of obdurate corruption, selfishness and cruelty are--though it might seem a trite word in this context--inspiring. That these examples of human fortitude and decency finally have the chronicler in Mr. Bryant that they deserve is enough to reaffirm the faith in our species that this book otherwise shakes to its core.
Bryant's account of the Franklin scandal joins David Ray Griffin's extensive analyses of 9/11 and James Bamford's exposures of military-industrial and intelligence agency malfeasance as one of the most important historical documents of our time. In its own way, given the extremities of the depravity it confronts THE FRANKLIN SCANDAL is, if possible, even bolder than those valiant efforts. It is most highly recommended to anyone willing to face vicious realities that too many others remain too complacent, timorous or arrogant to acknowledge. It is must-reading for those seeking to comprehend the madness of our cultural moment, and who yearn for an example of a meaningful and courageous response to it.
NY Times
Gannon, a.k.a. Gosch, was responsible for the Valerie Plame White House leak that allegedly caused 70 CIA undercover agents to be murdered.
Johnny Gosch and Michael Chertoff and Alberto Gonsalves
The Special Prosecutor became aware that D.C. Escort Service operative, Jeff Gannon most likely alias Johnny Gosch, received the secret details directly from George W. Bush himself, either upstairs in the White House or across the street in an Executive office building.
Gannon trained in whorehouse services as a penetration agent for a super-secret U.S. agency, was an expert in torture techniques called S-M. Gannon alias Gosch became a top-level consultant on torture methods to Alberto Gonzales, who was soft-ball questioned about this when being affirmed as the new U.S. Attorney General. Gonzales had informed Bush that torture was most likely okay since the "terrorists" were not, he claimed, subject to the Geneva Conventions for humane treatment of war prisoners.
Just like Chandra Levy, another woman who could have exposed some of D.C.'s darker secrets, who seven years to the day before Palfrey was apparently murdered, disappeared on May 1, 2001. May 1st is a satanic holiday called "Beltane", dedicated to human sacrifice. It is also the birthday of the Order of the Illuminati. This date was likely chosen in both murders as a sign to those in the know, the elitists, a large number of them satanists. There will probably never be an honest investigation into the Palfrey case. The truth about what really happened to Deborah Palfrey could reveal the truth about so many other deceptions generated by the government-media complex. For this and so many other reasons, we must demand an honest investigation into what really happened to Deborah Jeane Palfrey.
GAIA and Al Gore
Posted: October 06, 2002
Anyone who has studied the global environmental movement has no doubt heard the term "Gaia". Gaia is a revival of Paganism that rejects Christianity, considers Christianity its biggest enemy, and views the Christian faith as its only obstacle to a global religion centered on Gaia worship and the uniting of all life forms around the goddess of "Mother Earth". A cunning mixture of science, paganism, eastern mysticism, and feminism have made this pagan cult a growing threat to the Christian Church. Gaia worship is at the very heart of today's environmental policy. The Endangered Species Act, The United Nation's Biodiversity Treaty and the Presidents Council on Sustainable Development are all offspring of the Gaia hypothesis of saving "Mother Earth". This religious movement, with cult-like qualities, is being promoted by leading figures and organizations such as former Vice President Albert Gore, broadcaster Ted Turner, and the United Nations and it's various NGO's. Al Gore's book "Earth in the Balance" is just one of many books that unabashedly proclaims the deity of Earth and blames the falling away from this Pagan God on the environmentally unfriendly followers of Jesus Christ. The United Nations has been extremely successful in infusing the "Green Religion" into an international governmental body that has an increasing affect and control over all of our lives.
War is on Illuminati terms and times cuttingedge
War Beginning: President Bush began this war at 05:50 Baghdad time, on March 20, 2003, according to occult considerations, listed below:
* March 20, 2003 was an occult day, for the following reasons:
1. March 20 was the eve of Ostara -- March 21, 2003 is beginning of the Spring Equinox (Ostara)! Occultists worship the goddess of the earth (Gaia) on this day. The celebration, the Feast Day, is held on March 20, with actual ritual occurring on the 21st. In the occult mindset, this ritual celebrates the impregnation of Mother Earth so she may bring forth her crops in the Spring.
This Vernal Equinox is a Spring Fertility Rite, copied from the Satanic Druids. The deepest meaning is a "rebirthing" ceremony; what is it that this war is to "birth"? Antichrist, of course!
A blood sacrifice is required, as the sacrificial blood of the animal is poured into the ground, to spite God because of the Cain/Abel dispute. Remember the Scripture?
"And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper? And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground. And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand." [Gen 4:9-11]
To spite God on this day, Black Magick Satanists slaughter their animal and/or human sacrifice and purposely pour the blood into the ground. This day is extremely important to the Illuminist. Given the bloody nature of these two days, it seems fitting that they would be chosen to be the first official two days of this campaign.
Beltane wikipedia
EXCERPT:Beltane or Beltaine (in English pronounced /ˈbɛltən/) is the anglicised spelling of Old Irish Beltain (Irish Bealtaine Irish pronunciation: [ˈbʲal̪ˠt̪ˠənʲə], Scottish Gaelic Bealltainn [ˈbʲal̪ˠt̪ˠənʲ]), the Gaelic name for either the month of May or the festival that takes place on first day of May.
Real Terrorists
It was the Franklin Scandal that told us how bad it was. A case is made against two American presidents as pedophiles, not just them but hundreds of others including dozens of prominent members of congress. “Franklin” went after the GOP and their weakness, phony Christianity, phony “family values” and the love of young boys. We know it isn’t just the GOP and Pentagon but Franklin taught us how far America could go to cover up well documented crimes, how much control there is over, not only the criminal justice system but the news media as well.
Franklin Coverup Hoax wikipedia
LaRouche followers Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin also wrote about the Franklin Credit Union scandal and its alleged connection to the Washington prostitution ring in a book titled George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography. The book was published by Executive Intelligence Review in 1992.[14]
More allegations of a coverup came to light when a 56-minute documentary film about King's alleged child prostitution ring titled Conspiracy of Silence,[15] produced in 1993 by Yorkshire Television, surfaced on the Internet. The film features an interview with former CIA director William Colby, numerous members of the Nebraska state legislature including John DeCamp, and more than one alleged victim in the case.
In 2009, a new book by investigative journalist Nick Bryant was published about the scandal and alleged coverup. The book is titled: The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal.
Franklin Scandal Story Powerbrokers Betrayal
This review is from: The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal (Hardcover)
Nick Bryant's book is an excellent, even-handed investigation of a decades old scandal that is still being covered up to this day, and rewards the reader with even greater levels of detail and corroboration than the previous books on the subject (Franklin Cover-up and Carefully Crafted Hoax, both written well over a decade ago). Witness after witness corroborates the story of child trafficking and prostitution used to blackmail and ensnare powerful politicians, and the blatantly obvious cover-up that was "carefully crafted" by the FBI, law enforcement and the media. Readers of ex-Senator John DeCamp's book were probably already completely convinced of the corruption and cover-up surrounding Franklin, but Bryant's book nails that point home with even greater corroboration and updated information from the past few years. I would consider this book required reading and recommend it to everyone! Help other customers find the most helpful reviews
"Franklin Scandal.", September 5, 2009
By Elliott - See all my reviews
This review is from: The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal (Hardcover)
The Franklin Scandal is a comprehensive account of how a few, powerful, conceited individuals can abuse children, strip them of there dignity, leave them voiceless, and then hide their evil deeds through a campaign of fear, intimidation and bribes. Nick Bryant is one of the few individuals who has had the resolve to stand up to these bullies and not be intimidated to write this gut-wrenching story. People can't believe something this sinister could happen in the "Heartland," Omaha, Nebraska. However, as a youth, I remember hearing warnings that I should "stay away" from Alan Baer's Brandeis department store. If people in Omaha knew about Alan Baer's pandering, why didn't someone do anything about it? I dare you to read this book. Read, not only Nick's stories, but, also, read the actual notes from the trials and the original documents found in the appendices. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews
This review is from: The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal (Hardcover)
"Deep politics" is scholar Peter Dale Scott's term for historical machinations such as drug-running and assassinations which form covert if systemic features of the contemporary state and which are all-too naively dismissed as "conspiracy theories." A number of people who study such matters seriously have long suspected that the scandal centering on Omaha, Nebraska's Franklin Credit Union in the 1970s and `80s forms the conceptual linchpin to a truly critical understanding of the perverse, brutal and predatory nature of power in late-imperial America. Having read former Nebraska State Senator John DeCamp's brave if somewhat desultory 1992 book on the subject, THE FRANKLIN COVER-UP, and watched the unaired British television documentary CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE on the internet, we have also sensed, with a certain despair, that the nature and details of this scandal were so shocking, ugly, confusing and strange as to forever defy broader public credulity and scrutiny. It is with a profound sense of relief, admiration and gratitude, then, that one reads Nick Bryant's THE FRANKLIN SCANDAL, which accomplishes the seemingly impossible: an eminently gripping, thorough and accessible account of perhaps the grimmest aspect of contemporary U. S. history.
It is amusing to see the sole negative reviewer on these pages (as of this writing) suggest that Bryant has gullibly relied only on the apparent victims of the scandal, when in fact the author has taken pains to bolster accusations voiced in his book with the testimony of law-enforcement, governmental, mental health, legal and social-service officials, as well as journalists and others whose professions and/or personal relationships brought them into the orbit of this lurid story.
Anything but the ramblings of a susceptible naïf, Bryant's book appears as a model of journalistic integrity and a triumph of the investigative craft. Relying on official court and law enforcement documents and an extensive array of interviews with those involved in a variety of aspects of the scandal, it conveys a massive amount of carefully corroborated and meticulously researched data while maintaining all the tension and drama of the very best true-crime narratives. Bryant's own natural skepticism allows him to ultimately ground what appear to be Franklin's most far-fetched elements--Satanism, mind control, and the trafficking of children among our nation's elite for the purpose of sex--in an historical context that casts these admittedly outlandish phenomena in an intelligible and empirical light. Bryant's treatment of these subjects is deft, and his light touch and firm command of the overall material combine to a disarming effect that is sure to challenge all but the most recalcitrant of doubters.
While it provides well over a hundred pages of documentation in support of its disturbing thesis that there appears to be validity to the wrenching accusations of gravely scurrilous behavior on the part of an elite element in our society, among the other merits of Bryant's book is that it dispels certain myths that have accrued about Franklin over the years, even as it deepens our understanding of little-appreciated aspects of the story, such as Alicia Owen's protracted legal nightmare. The author's treatment of the scandal is highly comprehensive, but also circumspect; aficionados will want to consult DeCamp's THE FRANKLIN COVER-UP to fill in the names of certain apparent perpetrators, a few of whose identities Bryant--unable to finally track down every source he pursued over the several years he has worked on this story--only alludes to. (As the skeptical reader will no doubt appreciate, Bryant does not overstep his bounds, though given the vast amount of information he has collected, he hardly needs to.) There are certain other details found in DeCamp's book, pertaining for example to the exact nature of the extreme abuse apparently suffered by certain victims, which Bryant does not reiterate; given the acute nature of these violations, Bryant's overall eschewal of the sensational, and his palpable concern and respect for the victims' dignity, this elision appears understandable, especially as these horrific accounts have found a life of their own on the Web. This said, the author's description of the abuse conveys its iniquity, and there is much in this book that will be new to readers of DeCamp, who as an attorney close to the case lacks Bryant's journalistic precision, clarity, sense of narrative structure, and critical distance. This is not said to detract from DeCamp's compelling book, but to point out that Bryant brings a great deal that is new to this important story.
In all, this is an enraging book, and toward its conclusion the reader reels in disgust at its main point: the subsequent abuse suffered by victims when they were subjected to the federal and state legal systems during the cover-up phase of the scandal. What this suggests about the state of our public institutions is one of the most disturbing aspects of this book. Still, aside from a cast of shameless villains there are heroes and heroines who emerge in the story, whose efforts in the face of obdurate corruption, selfishness and cruelty are--though it might seem a trite word in this context--inspiring. That these examples of human fortitude and decency finally have the chronicler in Mr. Bryant that they deserve is enough to reaffirm the faith in our species that this book otherwise shakes to its core.
Bryant's account of the Franklin scandal joins David Ray Griffin's extensive analyses of 9/11 and James Bamford's exposures of military-industrial and intelligence agency malfeasance as one of the most important historical documents of our time. In its own way, given the extremities of the depravity it confronts THE FRANKLIN SCANDAL is, if possible, even bolder than those valiant efforts. It is most highly recommended to anyone willing to face vicious realities that too many others remain too complacent, timorous or arrogant to acknowledge. It is must-reading for those seeking to comprehend the madness of our cultural moment, and who yearn for an example of a meaningful and courageous response to it.
NY Times
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Aon Corp scandal
Ghana & Nigeria insurers and others in 14 countries have been implicated in Aon’s 7.5 million pounds illegal earnings in its overseas insurance operations between 2005 and 2007.
Since becoming regulated by UK's Financial Services Authority (FSA), Aon - a leading global provider of risk management services, insurance and reinsurance brokerage - had failed to review its processes, particularly, its energy reinsurance business in overseas countries. But, it took steps in June 2007 to notify relevant authorities such as the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) of suspicious payments made by some of its units dealing with overseas partners.
Aon Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of US-based Aon Corporation, is one of UK’s largest insurance brokerage firms.
Wikileaks releases four hundred thousand Iraq war docs -Geoff Morrell
Defense department press secretary Geoff Morrell was more direct. "We deplore WikiLeaks for inducing individuals to break the law, leak classified documents and then cavalierly share that secret information with the world, including our enemies," he said in a statement.
Geoff S. Morrell wikipedia
Morrell married Aon Corporation executive Ann Kuesel June 29, 2002 and resides in Washington with Ann and their twin daughters, Catherine and Clare
AON and Spitzer scandal
Aon Agrees to Pay $190 million to Settle Spitzer Allegations
Aon Corporation, the nation’s second largest insurance brokerage, has entered into an agreement to resolve allegations of fraud and anti-competitive practices. The agreement was announced March 4 New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer and Acting New York State Insurance Superintendent Howard Mills, together with Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan and Illinois Acting Director of Insurance Deirdre Manna.
The agreement with Aon was modeled after an earlier agreement reached January 31 with the nation's largest insurance broker, Marsh & McLennan Companies, for $850 million.
Under the agreement, the Chicago-based Aon Corporation is providing $190 million over a 30- month period for restitution to policyholders and is adopting a new business model designed to avoid conflicts of interest. In addition, Aon's Chairman and CEO, Patrick G. Ryan, will issue a public statement apologizing for Aon's improper conduct according to the statement issued by Spitzer's office.
Aon Settles Probe (Spitzer press release 3/4/05)
Aon Settles Corruption Probe With 3 States (Insurance Journal 3/4/05)
Top NewsRead More .Aon Corp. Q2 2010 Earnings Call Transcript Jul 30, 2010
Aon Corp. ( AOC ) Q2 2010 Earnings Call July 30, 2010 08:30 am ET Complete Story » Read More
from Transcripts from Seeking Alpha
Aon volatility flat into $4.9B purchase of Hewitt Associates Jul 12, 2010
See the rest of the story here . is Wall Street's specialist in breaking equity news. Veteran traders build a proprietary feed of news that's faster and more relevant than any other... Read More
Mass mutual sues insurers over Madoff
Tremont, a fund of funds in Rye, N.Y., that had about $3.3 billion invested with Madoff, is owned by OppenheimerFunds Inc., a unit of MassMutual Financial Group. Investors have filed more than 18 lawsuits against MassMutual, seeking to recoup Madoff-related losses.
Oppenheimer and the Rothschilds
The Rothschilds and Rockefellers are only two of thirteen controlling families of the Illuminati. (52) Two Jewish families that appear to be prominent are the Oppenheims and the Oppenheimers. A. Oppenheim was situated in Cologne. The Oppenheimers were early members of the Bavarian Illuminati. The Bund der Gerechten (League of the Just) was an illuminati front run mainly by Jews who were Satanists. This Bund financed in part by the Rothschilds paid the Satanist and Mason Karl Marx to write the Communist Manefesto. The Jew Gumpel Oppenheim was in the inner circle of the Bund. His relative Heinrich Oppenheim masterminded the communist revolution of 1848 in Germany. The Communist Party's official histories even accept the Bund as the predecessor of Communism.
The Oppenheimers apparently are close to the Rothschilds. J. Robert Oppenheimer of the CFR was exposed as a communist. Harry Oppenheimer, an international banker, is chairman of the Jewish De Beers world-wide diamond monopoly, and chairman of the Anglo-American Corp. Oppenheimers can be found in important financial positions in the U.S. They help run around 10 large foundations, including the Oppenheimer Haas Trust of NY for the care of needy Jewish children.
Mass Mutual Life Insurance Company wikipedia
In September 2001, the company's OppenheimerFunds subsidiary offices--residing in Two World Trade Center--were destroyed as a result of the terrorists attacks made against the United States. The subsidiary did not lose a single employee and recovered quite well, posting strong results along with its parent company for the year. Believing that diversification played a key role in its success during difficult economic times, MassMutual continued to move on that front. Its strategy for the future was centered around innovation and new product development, global expansion, and customer satisfaction. In 2001 assets under management reached $234 billion.[2]
Weddings Ann Kuesel-Geoffrey Morrell
Ann Margaret Kuesel and Geoffrey Stephen Morrell were married yesterday evening at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Milwaukee. Msgr. Francis X. Mulhall, a great-uncle of the bridegroom, performed the ceremony.
Mrs. Morrell, 36, is the vice president for human resources of Aon Consulting Worldwide, the insurance company in Chicago. She graduated from the College of the Holy Cross and received a law degree from Marquette University.
She is a daughter of Mary Ellen Kuesel of Mequon, Wis., and the late John T. Kuesel. Her father was a vice president of the First Wisconsin Trust Company in Milwaukee and a founding director and owner of the Milwaukee Bucks, the National Basketball Association team. Her mother is a financial planner in Mequon.
Milwaukee NAACP scandal
(video) Milwaukee NAACP Meeting Chaos
Posted by tmdreaders on September 20, 2010 · 6 Comments
Just be thankful for technology. Take a look at this brief video of Wendell Harris quiting on the NAACP and his run for the office of president of the local chapter. Then look at the chaos of all these negroes trying to shut down the meeting or run up to the front to talk. Milwaukee … Read more
Filed under Milwaukee NAACP · Tagged with Milwaukee NAACP Scandal, NAACP, Wendell Davis NAACP
NAACP Insiders: Henry Hamilton III Complaint Tossed Out Of Court
Posted by Giant on August 3, 2010 · Leave a Comment
I still cannot understand why this isn’t really a story in the Black Media (radio or print). Clearly, there are some issues at the local branch of the NAACP. Where is the reporting on this? Or is all this just some noise that people are pretending they cannot hear? HENRY HAMILTON III’S FEEBLE ATTEMPT TO … Read more
Manipulation of social consciousness through mass media
By Saida Arifkhanova
Online Journal Guest Writer
Oct 22, 2010, 00:20
Information is an important part of modern human life. Information is becoming a more significant element of modern life along with education and the way people interact with information today to a greater extent defines the level of their existence.
Possession of information and education in 21-century determine a modern person’s status in society. Along with the sphere of education, information field determines the fields of labour and economy and influences the sphere of state politics. Manipulation of information and also manipulation of social consciousness in our age are becoming a technology of programming people’s behavior. Manipulating society one can destroy certain ideas in people’s minds and on their ruins create new ideas and fundamentals, for example of a new ideology.
Telecommunications system as a major joint of channels of information delivery obtains dominating place in human environment. “Manipulation of information is akin to disinformation . . .” scholar Vladimir Volkov writes in his “History of Disinformation.” He writes that manipulation as destruction has three aims:
Demoralization of the nation by disintegration of groups making it up
Discrediting of authorities and their values
Neutralization of masses to prevent all forms of spontaneous behavior in favour of the rules set and at a certain moment to peacefully bring to power a small group of people.
Another researcher Sergey Kara-Murza in his book “Manipulation of consciousness” marks out three major features of manipulation:
AOC (AON) stocks
1.1.The Astor Bloodline
2.2.The Bundy Bloodline
3.3.The Collins Bloodline
4.4. The DuPont Bloodline
5.5.The Freeman Bloodline
6.6.The Kennedy Bloodline
7.7.The Li Bloodline
8.8.The Onassis Bloodline
9.9.The Reynolds bloodline
110.The Rockefeller Bloodline
11. The Rothschild Bloodline
12. The Russell Bloodline
13. The Van Duyn Bloodline
Ghana & Nigeria insurers and others in 14 countries have been implicated in Aon’s 7.5 million pounds illegal earnings in its overseas insurance operations between 2005 and 2007.
Since becoming regulated by UK's Financial Services Authority (FSA), Aon - a leading global provider of risk management services, insurance and reinsurance brokerage - had failed to review its processes, particularly, its energy reinsurance business in overseas countries. But, it took steps in June 2007 to notify relevant authorities such as the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) of suspicious payments made by some of its units dealing with overseas partners.
Aon Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of US-based Aon Corporation, is one of UK’s largest insurance brokerage firms.
Wikileaks releases four hundred thousand Iraq war docs -Geoff Morrell
Defense department press secretary Geoff Morrell was more direct. "We deplore WikiLeaks for inducing individuals to break the law, leak classified documents and then cavalierly share that secret information with the world, including our enemies," he said in a statement.
Geoff S. Morrell wikipedia
Morrell married Aon Corporation executive Ann Kuesel June 29, 2002 and resides in Washington with Ann and their twin daughters, Catherine and Clare
AON and Spitzer scandal
Aon Agrees to Pay $190 million to Settle Spitzer Allegations
Aon Corporation, the nation’s second largest insurance brokerage, has entered into an agreement to resolve allegations of fraud and anti-competitive practices. The agreement was announced March 4 New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer and Acting New York State Insurance Superintendent Howard Mills, together with Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan and Illinois Acting Director of Insurance Deirdre Manna.
The agreement with Aon was modeled after an earlier agreement reached January 31 with the nation's largest insurance broker, Marsh & McLennan Companies, for $850 million.
Under the agreement, the Chicago-based Aon Corporation is providing $190 million over a 30- month period for restitution to policyholders and is adopting a new business model designed to avoid conflicts of interest. In addition, Aon's Chairman and CEO, Patrick G. Ryan, will issue a public statement apologizing for Aon's improper conduct according to the statement issued by Spitzer's office.
Aon Settles Probe (Spitzer press release 3/4/05)
Aon Settles Corruption Probe With 3 States (Insurance Journal 3/4/05)
Top NewsRead More .Aon Corp. Q2 2010 Earnings Call Transcript Jul 30, 2010
Aon Corp. ( AOC ) Q2 2010 Earnings Call July 30, 2010 08:30 am ET Complete Story » Read More
from Transcripts from Seeking Alpha
Aon volatility flat into $4.9B purchase of Hewitt Associates Jul 12, 2010
See the rest of the story here . is Wall Street's specialist in breaking equity news. Veteran traders build a proprietary feed of news that's faster and more relevant than any other... Read More
Mass mutual sues insurers over Madoff
Tremont, a fund of funds in Rye, N.Y., that had about $3.3 billion invested with Madoff, is owned by OppenheimerFunds Inc., a unit of MassMutual Financial Group. Investors have filed more than 18 lawsuits against MassMutual, seeking to recoup Madoff-related losses.
Oppenheimer and the Rothschilds
The Rothschilds and Rockefellers are only two of thirteen controlling families of the Illuminati. (52) Two Jewish families that appear to be prominent are the Oppenheims and the Oppenheimers. A. Oppenheim was situated in Cologne. The Oppenheimers were early members of the Bavarian Illuminati. The Bund der Gerechten (League of the Just) was an illuminati front run mainly by Jews who were Satanists. This Bund financed in part by the Rothschilds paid the Satanist and Mason Karl Marx to write the Communist Manefesto. The Jew Gumpel Oppenheim was in the inner circle of the Bund. His relative Heinrich Oppenheim masterminded the communist revolution of 1848 in Germany. The Communist Party's official histories even accept the Bund as the predecessor of Communism.
The Oppenheimers apparently are close to the Rothschilds. J. Robert Oppenheimer of the CFR was exposed as a communist. Harry Oppenheimer, an international banker, is chairman of the Jewish De Beers world-wide diamond monopoly, and chairman of the Anglo-American Corp. Oppenheimers can be found in important financial positions in the U.S. They help run around 10 large foundations, including the Oppenheimer Haas Trust of NY for the care of needy Jewish children.
Mass Mutual Life Insurance Company wikipedia
In September 2001, the company's OppenheimerFunds subsidiary offices--residing in Two World Trade Center--were destroyed as a result of the terrorists attacks made against the United States. The subsidiary did not lose a single employee and recovered quite well, posting strong results along with its parent company for the year. Believing that diversification played a key role in its success during difficult economic times, MassMutual continued to move on that front. Its strategy for the future was centered around innovation and new product development, global expansion, and customer satisfaction. In 2001 assets under management reached $234 billion.[2]
Weddings Ann Kuesel-Geoffrey Morrell
Ann Margaret Kuesel and Geoffrey Stephen Morrell were married yesterday evening at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Milwaukee. Msgr. Francis X. Mulhall, a great-uncle of the bridegroom, performed the ceremony.
Mrs. Morrell, 36, is the vice president for human resources of Aon Consulting Worldwide, the insurance company in Chicago. She graduated from the College of the Holy Cross and received a law degree from Marquette University.
She is a daughter of Mary Ellen Kuesel of Mequon, Wis., and the late John T. Kuesel. Her father was a vice president of the First Wisconsin Trust Company in Milwaukee and a founding director and owner of the Milwaukee Bucks, the National Basketball Association team. Her mother is a financial planner in Mequon.
Milwaukee NAACP scandal
(video) Milwaukee NAACP Meeting Chaos
Posted by tmdreaders on September 20, 2010 · 6 Comments
Just be thankful for technology. Take a look at this brief video of Wendell Harris quiting on the NAACP and his run for the office of president of the local chapter. Then look at the chaos of all these negroes trying to shut down the meeting or run up to the front to talk. Milwaukee … Read more
Filed under Milwaukee NAACP · Tagged with Milwaukee NAACP Scandal, NAACP, Wendell Davis NAACP
NAACP Insiders: Henry Hamilton III Complaint Tossed Out Of Court
Posted by Giant on August 3, 2010 · Leave a Comment
I still cannot understand why this isn’t really a story in the Black Media (radio or print). Clearly, there are some issues at the local branch of the NAACP. Where is the reporting on this? Or is all this just some noise that people are pretending they cannot hear? HENRY HAMILTON III’S FEEBLE ATTEMPT TO … Read more
Manipulation of social consciousness through mass media
By Saida Arifkhanova
Online Journal Guest Writer
Oct 22, 2010, 00:20
Information is an important part of modern human life. Information is becoming a more significant element of modern life along with education and the way people interact with information today to a greater extent defines the level of their existence.
Possession of information and education in 21-century determine a modern person’s status in society. Along with the sphere of education, information field determines the fields of labour and economy and influences the sphere of state politics. Manipulation of information and also manipulation of social consciousness in our age are becoming a technology of programming people’s behavior. Manipulating society one can destroy certain ideas in people’s minds and on their ruins create new ideas and fundamentals, for example of a new ideology.
Telecommunications system as a major joint of channels of information delivery obtains dominating place in human environment. “Manipulation of information is akin to disinformation . . .” scholar Vladimir Volkov writes in his “History of Disinformation.” He writes that manipulation as destruction has three aims:
Demoralization of the nation by disintegration of groups making it up
Discrediting of authorities and their values
Neutralization of masses to prevent all forms of spontaneous behavior in favour of the rules set and at a certain moment to peacefully bring to power a small group of people.
Another researcher Sergey Kara-Murza in his book “Manipulation of consciousness” marks out three major features of manipulation:
AOC (AON) stocks
1.1.The Astor Bloodline
2.2.The Bundy Bloodline
3.3.The Collins Bloodline
4.4. The DuPont Bloodline
5.5.The Freeman Bloodline
6.6.The Kennedy Bloodline
7.7.The Li Bloodline
8.8.The Onassis Bloodline
9.9.The Reynolds bloodline
110.The Rockefeller Bloodline
11. The Rothschild Bloodline
12. The Russell Bloodline
13. The Van Duyn Bloodline
Friday, October 22, 2010
Paul Rajski formerly of Hologix
At CEIC 2010 I attended the Expert Witness Panel: Making It Stick, which I also gleaned some insight from that helped to prepare me for my own expert witness testimony. The members of the panel were Larry Daniel of Guardian Digital Forensics and Lynita Hinsch of Forensics Consulting Solutions. It was moderated by Andy Spruill of Guidance Software, Inc.
Al Booz formerly of Hologix....... hmmmmmm and Insight Venture Capitalist
Firas Raouf is a Venture Partner at OpenView Venture Partners. Prior to joining OpenView, Firas was a Venture Partner at Insight Venture Partners. Prior, Firas was the co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of eEye Digital Security—an Insight portfolio company. As a member of the senior executive team and board member, Firas focused on eEye’s sales and marketing operations driving growth year after year. Firas was previously a senior consultant at Booz Allen & Hamilton and a member of the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Group at Eli Lilly & Company where he was responsible for the research, development, and deployment of new process technologies.
Raouf holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Engineering from Northeastern University and a Masters of Engineering Management from the Thayer School at Dartmouth College.
Paul Rajski and Forensics Consulting pdf
2600 N. Central Ave.
Suite 1100
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Contact: Joan O’Meara
Phone: (602) 354-2708
11 A.M. MT, July 27, 2009
Forensics Consulting Solutions Moves to New Facility
The new offices of FCS tout state-of-the-art security systems and
redundant power systems.
Phoenix, AZ – July 27, 2009 – K.J. Kuchta, CEO of Forensics Consulting
Solutions, announced today that the offices of FCS have moved to 2600 N.
Central Ave., in the heart of downtown Phoenix’s business district.
“The new facility is a dream come true for us.” said Mr. Kuchta. “We have spared
no expense to ensure that our facility is one of the most secure in the industry. A
state-of-the-art security system has been put into place that would rival Fort
Paul Rajski, CIO for FCS, said “We, at FCS, have always prided ourselves on
maintaining a secure environment for our clients’ data, but the new offices and
data center have enabled us to achieve even higher levels of data and site
The new data center, which fills a 2,500 square foot area on the 7th floor, includes
fire-resistant walls and doors with floor-to-ceiling steel mesh embedded
throughout, and motion-activated surveillance cameras in virtually every part of
the facility.. The new evidence area includes motion sensors, FM200 firesuppression
system, and biometric security systems. The server area is equipped
with an APC InfraStruXure® server room rack and cooling storage system.
InfraStruXure® is an innovative architecture for network-critical physical
infrastructure that fully integrates power, cooling, and environmental management
within a rack-optimized design.
“This new facility has everything our clients could ask for with respect to secure
data storage,” Paul said. “We have gone to great lengths to ensure that we have a
constant power supply by utilizing redundant generators and cooling towers. The
facility is also wired to multiple city power grids, so our clients can be assured that we are up and running at all times.”
The employees of FCS will be housed on the 11th floor of the building in a separate
15,600 square foot area, which more than doubles the office space available to the
rapidly growing company.
“We have more than doubled our employee base over the last two years, so I am
thrilled to be able to offer our employees this new spacious facility” Said Mr.
Kuchta. “They have all worked very hard to help FCS become a premier end-toend
E-Discovery firm, and they deserve this beautiful new space.”
About Forensics Consulting Solutions, LLC:
Founded in 2001, Forensics Consulting Solutions LLC is a boutique consulting
firm with a global reach that includes North and South America, Europe, the
Middle East, and Asia. Working with a select group of clients, FCS has been an
integral contributor to a number of high-profile litigation and M&A activities in
recent years. Projects include the ongoing AMD v. Intel litigation and a number
of prominent private ongoing matters. For more information on FCS’s full
service E-Discovery service offering, visit
John M. (Mike) McConnell
Mike McConnell is Executive Vice President and leader of the Intelligence for Booz Allen Hamilton and is a member of the firm’s Leadership Team. Mr. McConnell previously served from 2007-2009 as U.S. Director of National Intelligence (DNI), a position of Cabinet rank under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama. As DNI, Mr. McConnell served as the principal intelligence advisor to the President and as a member of the U.S. National Security Council.
Mr. McConnell’s career has spanned over 40 years focusing on international developments and foreign intelligence issues, first as a career intelligence officer in the U.S. Navy, as the Senior Intelligence Officer on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as Director of the National Security Agency, and later as Senior Vice President with Booz Allen Hamilton after retiring from the U.S. Navy as Vice Admiral after 29 years of service. Over the past few years, Mr. McConnell’s area of focus has been counter-terrorism, cyber security, counter-proliferation, and foreign intelligence. While managing the U.S. Intelligence Community, an organization of 100,000 people, he had responsibility for a global enterprise and budget of over $47B. In this capacity, Mr. McConnell had extensive interactions with the White House, the President’s Cabinet, the Congress, International Leaders, and the U.S. Business Community.
Serving first under President George H. W. Bush and later President Clinton, Mr. McConnell served as Director of the National Security Agency (NSA) from 1992-1996. He also served as a member of the senior leadership team of the Director of Central Intelligence to address major programmatic and substantive foreign intelligence issues from 1992 until 1996.
Larry Daniel
Our Staff Larry E. Daniel is a Digital Forensics Certified Practitioner and the author of the popular digital forensics blog Ex Forensis. As a computer forensics and cell phone forensics consultant working with clients throughout the US and handling all types of civil and criminal cases over the past nine years, Larry has completed over 25 capital murder cases in the USA and is our principal forensic examiner. He has testified as a qualified computer forensics expert witness in several cases, in multiple states. Larry is a member of the American College of Forensic Examiners, an Associate member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, and is Chairman of the Ethics Committee for the American Society of Digital Forensics and e Discovery. Larry has spoken at SANS, Techno-Forensics, Computer Enterprise Investigations Conference, Department of Defense CyberCrime Conference, NACDL, California Advocates for Justice, Alabama CDL, American College of Forensic Examiners and numerous other conferences throughout the US. Larry has published articles in NC Jury View and Digital Forensic Investigator News (DFI News)
Larry E Daniel
Guardiandf Hanging out in Montgomery Alabama with the Alabama bureau of investigation
Information Week -Hologix
Online Ordering
Hologix software helps industries use E-commerce for attribute-based products
By Clinton Wilder
Hologix Inc., a provider of electronic-commerce software, this week will roll out Attricom, an online order-management application designed to boost online sales for companies in industries such as steel, chemicals, and textiles that don't use standard Stock-Keeping Unit numbers or Universal Product Codes.
The company's goal is to provide online catalog functionality for companies that make "attribute-based" products, in which customers order items based on properties such as the composition of steel. "We believe that the bulk of business-to-business commerce is attribute-based," says Hologix CEO Paul Rajski. "And more and more companies want to do it on the Internet."
Rajski says business-to-business online markets, such as MetalSite, E-Steel, PaperExchange and Chemdex, have raised E-commerce awareness in Hologix's target industries.
Attricom, a Java application that runs on Windows NT or Sun Solaris servers, works with Oracle or IBM DB2 databases and can be used with any browser that supports Java. The application is made up of four modules. Product Composition is used to specify attributes, such as dimensions, materials composition, and delivery dates. Order Management captures orders, processes them, and reports on their status. Customer Direct is the interface customers use to enter orders over the Internet or an extranet. Integration Framework lets Attricom send and receive Extensible Markup Language data from existing enterprise applications.
Algoma Steel Inc. in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, has installed the Product Composition module and plans to roll out Order Management next year. The steelmaker's goal is to automate a labor-intensive process involving paper manuals, 25-year-old manufacturing applications, and knowledge in the heads of the company's specification analysts.
"We'll be able to engineer the product once and after that just pull the attribute information from a knowledge database, so the person ordering just needs to specify quantity and dimensions," says Charlie Whitfield, Algoma's manager of IS and manufacturing technology. "As long as it's something we've built before, it will flow right into the system. We expect much more rapid response in filling orders and a lot fewer errors."
Insight Venture Partners is the new Twitter investor
Michael Arrington Sep 16, 2009
We’ve been talking to sources all day about that new $1 billion valuation Twitter financing, and more information is coming in. The big missing part of the story was who was actually doing the investing at that massive valuation.
The primary investor in the deal, we’ve heard from a source with knowledge of the transaction, is New York-based Insight Venture Partners, which has raised over $3 billion since being founded in 1995. They were (or rather their founders were) early investors in Photobucket, which was acquired by News Corp./MySpace in 2007 for around $250 million.
What’s not clear is if Twitter is capping the round at $50 million. One source says they may raise more. With that valuation, who’d blame them? Not me.
Booz/Allen/Hamilton history
Learn More
Helping Clients Envision the Future (Booz Allen's 90th Anniversary book)
In 1914, Edwin Booz had an idea. He believed that companies would be more successful if they could call on someone outside their own organizations for expert, impartial advice. In doing so, he created a new profession — management consulting — and the firm that would bear his name, Booz Allen Hamilton.
In our role as consultants, Booz Allen has been privileged to see, take part in, and catalyze many key events in the spheres of both business and government. We have been involved in the emergence of modern corporations in the 1920s and 1930s, the Allied mobilization in World War II, the beginning and end of the Cold War, the dawn of the Space Age, the evolution of the personal computer, the breakup of old telephone systems and the creation of new ones, early public-private sector work in the European Union, the emergence of strong economies in Asia and South America, the waves of deregulation in the 1980s, the movement of environmental protection, and the birth of the modern US National Football League.
In addition, we have been witness to or participant in the reunification of Germany, the Gulf Wars, the response to the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the rise and fall of business cycles, and dramatic shifts in the ways that commerce, war, and peace have been conducted.
At CEIC 2010 I attended the Expert Witness Panel: Making It Stick, which I also gleaned some insight from that helped to prepare me for my own expert witness testimony. The members of the panel were Larry Daniel of Guardian Digital Forensics and Lynita Hinsch of Forensics Consulting Solutions. It was moderated by Andy Spruill of Guidance Software, Inc.
Al Booz formerly of Hologix....... hmmmmmm and Insight Venture Capitalist
Firas Raouf is a Venture Partner at OpenView Venture Partners. Prior to joining OpenView, Firas was a Venture Partner at Insight Venture Partners. Prior, Firas was the co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of eEye Digital Security—an Insight portfolio company. As a member of the senior executive team and board member, Firas focused on eEye’s sales and marketing operations driving growth year after year. Firas was previously a senior consultant at Booz Allen & Hamilton and a member of the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Group at Eli Lilly & Company where he was responsible for the research, development, and deployment of new process technologies.
Raouf holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Engineering from Northeastern University and a Masters of Engineering Management from the Thayer School at Dartmouth College.
Paul Rajski and Forensics Consulting pdf
2600 N. Central Ave.
Suite 1100
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Contact: Joan O’Meara
Phone: (602) 354-2708
11 A.M. MT, July 27, 2009
Forensics Consulting Solutions Moves to New Facility
The new offices of FCS tout state-of-the-art security systems and
redundant power systems.
Phoenix, AZ – July 27, 2009 – K.J. Kuchta, CEO of Forensics Consulting
Solutions, announced today that the offices of FCS have moved to 2600 N.
Central Ave., in the heart of downtown Phoenix’s business district.
“The new facility is a dream come true for us.” said Mr. Kuchta. “We have spared
no expense to ensure that our facility is one of the most secure in the industry. A
state-of-the-art security system has been put into place that would rival Fort
Paul Rajski, CIO for FCS, said “We, at FCS, have always prided ourselves on
maintaining a secure environment for our clients’ data, but the new offices and
data center have enabled us to achieve even higher levels of data and site
The new data center, which fills a 2,500 square foot area on the 7th floor, includes
fire-resistant walls and doors with floor-to-ceiling steel mesh embedded
throughout, and motion-activated surveillance cameras in virtually every part of
the facility.. The new evidence area includes motion sensors, FM200 firesuppression
system, and biometric security systems. The server area is equipped
with an APC InfraStruXure® server room rack and cooling storage system.
InfraStruXure® is an innovative architecture for network-critical physical
infrastructure that fully integrates power, cooling, and environmental management
within a rack-optimized design.
“This new facility has everything our clients could ask for with respect to secure
data storage,” Paul said. “We have gone to great lengths to ensure that we have a
constant power supply by utilizing redundant generators and cooling towers. The
facility is also wired to multiple city power grids, so our clients can be assured that we are up and running at all times.”
The employees of FCS will be housed on the 11th floor of the building in a separate
15,600 square foot area, which more than doubles the office space available to the
rapidly growing company.
“We have more than doubled our employee base over the last two years, so I am
thrilled to be able to offer our employees this new spacious facility” Said Mr.
Kuchta. “They have all worked very hard to help FCS become a premier end-toend
E-Discovery firm, and they deserve this beautiful new space.”
About Forensics Consulting Solutions, LLC:
Founded in 2001, Forensics Consulting Solutions LLC is a boutique consulting
firm with a global reach that includes North and South America, Europe, the
Middle East, and Asia. Working with a select group of clients, FCS has been an
integral contributor to a number of high-profile litigation and M&A activities in
recent years. Projects include the ongoing AMD v. Intel litigation and a number
of prominent private ongoing matters. For more information on FCS’s full
service E-Discovery service offering, visit
John M. (Mike) McConnell
Mike McConnell is Executive Vice President and leader of the Intelligence for Booz Allen Hamilton and is a member of the firm’s Leadership Team. Mr. McConnell previously served from 2007-2009 as U.S. Director of National Intelligence (DNI), a position of Cabinet rank under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama. As DNI, Mr. McConnell served as the principal intelligence advisor to the President and as a member of the U.S. National Security Council.
Mr. McConnell’s career has spanned over 40 years focusing on international developments and foreign intelligence issues, first as a career intelligence officer in the U.S. Navy, as the Senior Intelligence Officer on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as Director of the National Security Agency, and later as Senior Vice President with Booz Allen Hamilton after retiring from the U.S. Navy as Vice Admiral after 29 years of service. Over the past few years, Mr. McConnell’s area of focus has been counter-terrorism, cyber security, counter-proliferation, and foreign intelligence. While managing the U.S. Intelligence Community, an organization of 100,000 people, he had responsibility for a global enterprise and budget of over $47B. In this capacity, Mr. McConnell had extensive interactions with the White House, the President’s Cabinet, the Congress, International Leaders, and the U.S. Business Community.
Serving first under President George H. W. Bush and later President Clinton, Mr. McConnell served as Director of the National Security Agency (NSA) from 1992-1996. He also served as a member of the senior leadership team of the Director of Central Intelligence to address major programmatic and substantive foreign intelligence issues from 1992 until 1996.
Larry Daniel
Our Staff Larry E. Daniel is a Digital Forensics Certified Practitioner and the author of the popular digital forensics blog Ex Forensis. As a computer forensics and cell phone forensics consultant working with clients throughout the US and handling all types of civil and criminal cases over the past nine years, Larry has completed over 25 capital murder cases in the USA and is our principal forensic examiner. He has testified as a qualified computer forensics expert witness in several cases, in multiple states. Larry is a member of the American College of Forensic Examiners, an Associate member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, and is Chairman of the Ethics Committee for the American Society of Digital Forensics and e Discovery. Larry has spoken at SANS, Techno-Forensics, Computer Enterprise Investigations Conference, Department of Defense CyberCrime Conference, NACDL, California Advocates for Justice, Alabama CDL, American College of Forensic Examiners and numerous other conferences throughout the US. Larry has published articles in NC Jury View and Digital Forensic Investigator News (DFI News)
Larry E Daniel
Guardiandf Hanging out in Montgomery Alabama with the Alabama bureau of investigation
Information Week -Hologix
Online Ordering
Hologix software helps industries use E-commerce for attribute-based products
By Clinton Wilder
Hologix Inc., a provider of electronic-commerce software, this week will roll out Attricom, an online order-management application designed to boost online sales for companies in industries such as steel, chemicals, and textiles that don't use standard Stock-Keeping Unit numbers or Universal Product Codes.
The company's goal is to provide online catalog functionality for companies that make "attribute-based" products, in which customers order items based on properties such as the composition of steel. "We believe that the bulk of business-to-business commerce is attribute-based," says Hologix CEO Paul Rajski. "And more and more companies want to do it on the Internet."
Rajski says business-to-business online markets, such as MetalSite, E-Steel, PaperExchange and Chemdex, have raised E-commerce awareness in Hologix's target industries.
Attricom, a Java application that runs on Windows NT or Sun Solaris servers, works with Oracle or IBM DB2 databases and can be used with any browser that supports Java. The application is made up of four modules. Product Composition is used to specify attributes, such as dimensions, materials composition, and delivery dates. Order Management captures orders, processes them, and reports on their status. Customer Direct is the interface customers use to enter orders over the Internet or an extranet. Integration Framework lets Attricom send and receive Extensible Markup Language data from existing enterprise applications.
Algoma Steel Inc. in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, has installed the Product Composition module and plans to roll out Order Management next year. The steelmaker's goal is to automate a labor-intensive process involving paper manuals, 25-year-old manufacturing applications, and knowledge in the heads of the company's specification analysts.
"We'll be able to engineer the product once and after that just pull the attribute information from a knowledge database, so the person ordering just needs to specify quantity and dimensions," says Charlie Whitfield, Algoma's manager of IS and manufacturing technology. "As long as it's something we've built before, it will flow right into the system. We expect much more rapid response in filling orders and a lot fewer errors."
Insight Venture Partners is the new Twitter investor
Michael Arrington Sep 16, 2009
We’ve been talking to sources all day about that new $1 billion valuation Twitter financing, and more information is coming in. The big missing part of the story was who was actually doing the investing at that massive valuation.
The primary investor in the deal, we’ve heard from a source with knowledge of the transaction, is New York-based Insight Venture Partners, which has raised over $3 billion since being founded in 1995. They were (or rather their founders were) early investors in Photobucket, which was acquired by News Corp./MySpace in 2007 for around $250 million.
What’s not clear is if Twitter is capping the round at $50 million. One source says they may raise more. With that valuation, who’d blame them? Not me.
Booz/Allen/Hamilton history
Learn More
Helping Clients Envision the Future (Booz Allen's 90th Anniversary book)
In 1914, Edwin Booz had an idea. He believed that companies would be more successful if they could call on someone outside their own organizations for expert, impartial advice. In doing so, he created a new profession — management consulting — and the firm that would bear his name, Booz Allen Hamilton.
In our role as consultants, Booz Allen has been privileged to see, take part in, and catalyze many key events in the spheres of both business and government. We have been involved in the emergence of modern corporations in the 1920s and 1930s, the Allied mobilization in World War II, the beginning and end of the Cold War, the dawn of the Space Age, the evolution of the personal computer, the breakup of old telephone systems and the creation of new ones, early public-private sector work in the European Union, the emergence of strong economies in Asia and South America, the waves of deregulation in the 1980s, the movement of environmental protection, and the birth of the modern US National Football League.
In addition, we have been witness to or participant in the reunification of Germany, the Gulf Wars, the response to the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the rise and fall of business cycles, and dramatic shifts in the ways that commerce, war, and peace have been conducted.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
I Won't Back Down wikipedia
Use in political campaigns
George W. Bush used "I Won't Back Down" at campaign events during the 2000 presidential race but was compelled to stop using the song after receiving a cease and desist letter from Petty's publisher. Petty did not want the use of his song to be construed as an endorsement of candidate Bush. Jim Webb used the song for his successful bid for one of Virginia's U.S. Senate seats in 2006, as did Hillary Clinton during the 2008 Democratic presidential primary campaign. The song was also used at campaign events for Congressman Ron Paul of Texas during the 2008 Republican presidential primary campaign, as well as for events for his Campaign for Liberty.
Papantonio & RFK, Jr. On Voter Caging in 2010 video
caging list scandal youtube w/Tim Griffin
Who's funding the Tea Party
EXCERPT:Who’s funding the Tea Party?
August 25th, 2010 by Rhiannon Bowman in Biz, News
The Tea Party is no grassroots organization, neither are a long list of other innocent-sounding organizations funded either directly or indirectly by David and Charles Koch (pronounced “coke” not “cock”) and their company, Koch Industries, which is one of the largest privately owned companies in the world. As you can imagine, it’s a business that made their family one of the richest in human history.
Lifelong Libertarians whose father admired Mussolini, set up oil refineries for Stalin’s U.S.S.R. and publicly denounced the Civil Rights Movement, they’ve declared war against progressive policies of all kinds. And, they’ve funded their ideological “war” through over $100 million in donations to right-wing organizations, think tanks, academics and politicians — though, it’s difficult to know, for sure, how much they’ve given thanks to laws that protect donations to non-profit organizations. In fact, their tentacles are so intertwined with Washington’s top conservative policymakers that the brothers, and all of the interests they fund, are collectively known as the “Kochtopus.”
Bushs new US attorney a criminal 2004
But the Committee missed a big one: Timothy Griffin, Karl Rove's assistant, the President's pick as US Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas. Griffin, according to BBC Television, was the hidden hand behind a scheme to wipe out the voting rights of 70,000 citizens prior to the 2004 election.
Key voters on Griffin's hit list: Black soldiers and homeless men and women. Nice guy, eh? Naughty or nice, however, is not the issue. Targeting voters where race is a factor is a felony crime under the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
In October 2004, our investigations team at BBC Newsnight received a series of astonishing emails from Mr. Griffin, then Research Director for the Republican National Committee. He didn't mean to send them to us. They were highly confidential memos meant only for RNC honchos.
RFK Rove and Roves brain should be in jail not in office
This is one of the emails subpoenaed by Congress but supposedly "lost" by Rove's office. Palast obtained 500 of these, fifty with 'caging' lists attached.
'Caging' lists are "absolutely illegal" under the Voting Rights Act, noted Kennedy on his Air America program, Ring of Fire. The 1965 law makes it a felony crime to challenge voters when race is a factor in the targeting. African-American voters comprised the bulk of the 70,000 voters 'caged' in a single state, Florida.
Palast wrote in his book, "Here's how the scheme worked. The Bush campaign mailed out letters," particularly targeting African-American soldiers sent overseas. When the letters sent to the home addresses of the soldiers came back "undeliverable" because the servicemen were in Baghdad or elsewhere, the Republican Party would, "challenge the voter's registration and thereby prevent their absentee ballots being counted."
The Republicans successfully challenged "at least one million" votes of minority voters in the 2004 election.
Caging (voter suppression)wikipedia
Voter caging is a method of challenging the registration status of voters to potentially prevent them from voting in an election. It refers to the practice of sending direct mail to addressees on the voter rolls, compiling a list of addressees from which the mail is returned undelivered, and using that list to purge or challenge voters’ registrations on the grounds that the voters do not legally reside at registered addresses. This typically results in the voters' having their votes discarded or submitted through the use of provisional ballots requiring further registration confirmation.[1]
While this practice is considered legal in many states and is in some cases engaged in by the state's registrar of voters, it has been challenged in the courts and in some cases where it appeared to have a racial component it has been declared illegal under the Voting Rights Act. For example in the 2008 US Election, Terri Lynn Land, the Secretary of State of Michigan, was found to be purging thousands of voters from voting rolls based on Voter ID cards being returned as undeliverable.[2] The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) took the Secretary of State to court over the purges. Judge Stephen J. Murphy ruled the purge illegal under the National Voting Rights Act (NVRA) of 1993 and directed Land to reinstate affected voters. (See full ruling here).
The argument that Vote Caging should be illegal is that it could disenfranchise qualified voters simply because of the high possibility that data errors in the mailing list and voters' changing addresses could result in undelivered mail, rather than any problem with their qualifications. The fact that the mailings used to cage voters have had 'do not forward' printed on them resulted in disproportionately disfranchising of students away at college, citizens who move often, and soldiers overseas. In addition, targeting certain neighborhoods with a history of voting for one political party while not targeting areas dominated by the opposing party may lead to a racial component in the disqualifications which raises a serious legal issue under the Voting Rights Act.
Use in political campaigns
George W. Bush used "I Won't Back Down" at campaign events during the 2000 presidential race but was compelled to stop using the song after receiving a cease and desist letter from Petty's publisher. Petty did not want the use of his song to be construed as an endorsement of candidate Bush. Jim Webb used the song for his successful bid for one of Virginia's U.S. Senate seats in 2006, as did Hillary Clinton during the 2008 Democratic presidential primary campaign. The song was also used at campaign events for Congressman Ron Paul of Texas during the 2008 Republican presidential primary campaign, as well as for events for his Campaign for Liberty.
Papantonio & RFK, Jr. On Voter Caging in 2010 video
caging list scandal youtube w/Tim Griffin
Who's funding the Tea Party
EXCERPT:Who’s funding the Tea Party?
August 25th, 2010 by Rhiannon Bowman in Biz, News
The Tea Party is no grassroots organization, neither are a long list of other innocent-sounding organizations funded either directly or indirectly by David and Charles Koch (pronounced “coke” not “cock”) and their company, Koch Industries, which is one of the largest privately owned companies in the world. As you can imagine, it’s a business that made their family one of the richest in human history.
Lifelong Libertarians whose father admired Mussolini, set up oil refineries for Stalin’s U.S.S.R. and publicly denounced the Civil Rights Movement, they’ve declared war against progressive policies of all kinds. And, they’ve funded their ideological “war” through over $100 million in donations to right-wing organizations, think tanks, academics and politicians — though, it’s difficult to know, for sure, how much they’ve given thanks to laws that protect donations to non-profit organizations. In fact, their tentacles are so intertwined with Washington’s top conservative policymakers that the brothers, and all of the interests they fund, are collectively known as the “Kochtopus.”
Bushs new US attorney a criminal 2004
But the Committee missed a big one: Timothy Griffin, Karl Rove's assistant, the President's pick as US Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas. Griffin, according to BBC Television, was the hidden hand behind a scheme to wipe out the voting rights of 70,000 citizens prior to the 2004 election.
Key voters on Griffin's hit list: Black soldiers and homeless men and women. Nice guy, eh? Naughty or nice, however, is not the issue. Targeting voters where race is a factor is a felony crime under the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
In October 2004, our investigations team at BBC Newsnight received a series of astonishing emails from Mr. Griffin, then Research Director for the Republican National Committee. He didn't mean to send them to us. They were highly confidential memos meant only for RNC honchos.
RFK Rove and Roves brain should be in jail not in office
This is one of the emails subpoenaed by Congress but supposedly "lost" by Rove's office. Palast obtained 500 of these, fifty with 'caging' lists attached.
'Caging' lists are "absolutely illegal" under the Voting Rights Act, noted Kennedy on his Air America program, Ring of Fire. The 1965 law makes it a felony crime to challenge voters when race is a factor in the targeting. African-American voters comprised the bulk of the 70,000 voters 'caged' in a single state, Florida.
Palast wrote in his book, "Here's how the scheme worked. The Bush campaign mailed out letters," particularly targeting African-American soldiers sent overseas. When the letters sent to the home addresses of the soldiers came back "undeliverable" because the servicemen were in Baghdad or elsewhere, the Republican Party would, "challenge the voter's registration and thereby prevent their absentee ballots being counted."
The Republicans successfully challenged "at least one million" votes of minority voters in the 2004 election.
Caging (voter suppression)wikipedia
Voter caging is a method of challenging the registration status of voters to potentially prevent them from voting in an election. It refers to the practice of sending direct mail to addressees on the voter rolls, compiling a list of addressees from which the mail is returned undelivered, and using that list to purge or challenge voters’ registrations on the grounds that the voters do not legally reside at registered addresses. This typically results in the voters' having their votes discarded or submitted through the use of provisional ballots requiring further registration confirmation.[1]
While this practice is considered legal in many states and is in some cases engaged in by the state's registrar of voters, it has been challenged in the courts and in some cases where it appeared to have a racial component it has been declared illegal under the Voting Rights Act. For example in the 2008 US Election, Terri Lynn Land, the Secretary of State of Michigan, was found to be purging thousands of voters from voting rolls based on Voter ID cards being returned as undeliverable.[2] The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) took the Secretary of State to court over the purges. Judge Stephen J. Murphy ruled the purge illegal under the National Voting Rights Act (NVRA) of 1993 and directed Land to reinstate affected voters. (See full ruling here).
The argument that Vote Caging should be illegal is that it could disenfranchise qualified voters simply because of the high possibility that data errors in the mailing list and voters' changing addresses could result in undelivered mail, rather than any problem with their qualifications. The fact that the mailings used to cage voters have had 'do not forward' printed on them resulted in disproportionately disfranchising of students away at college, citizens who move often, and soldiers overseas. In addition, targeting certain neighborhoods with a history of voting for one political party while not targeting areas dominated by the opposing party may lead to a racial component in the disqualifications which raises a serious legal issue under the Voting Rights Act.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Law Cornell Edu US Code
U.S. Code
main pagefaqindexsearch
TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 1 > § 4
Prev | Next § 4. Misprision of felony
How Current is This? Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
EXCERPT is from the following Christopher Story article. 295 big US banks confirmed as criminal enterprises
[EDITOR'S INSERT: This is absurd. Under the standard double-mindedness, dialectical non-ethic that characterises the criminalist behaviour of elements of the US Government, law enforcement and the Drug Enforcement Administration battle valiantly against the proliferation of Mexican drug gangs, which now operate in every corner of the United States. Meanwhile, the drug offensive was organised and orchestrated by CIA operatives in Latin America in the 1970s and 1980s, aided by Israeli 'Black' intelligence headed by David Kimche (who died of brain cancer on 8th March 2010) and Michael Harari. Their involvement is proven by the Cutolo Affidavit dated 11th March 1980.
295 big US banks confirmed as criminal enterprises
Thursday 1 July 2010 00:01
‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.
'Seeing what's at the end of one's nose requires constant effort'. George Orwell.
Money laundering pdf
A joint investigation by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Drug
Enforcement Administration (DEA)into drug trafficking at the Southwest border revealed a multimillion dollar money laundering organization, utilizing multiple
companies, and numerous bank accounts, to launder narcotic proceeds.
This case study demonstrates methodologies used for laundering criminal proceeds.
In 2004, ICE agents in Brownsville, Texas, received information that Oscar Oropeza, along with his wife Tina, daughter Paulina and son Juan, were using various businesses they owned to launder proceeds derived from narcotic sales. The
Oropeza family owned substantial assets in both Brownsville and Harlingen,Texas, including a car wash, landscaping business, trucking company, a large house, and
numerous vehicles valued between $60,000–$120,000 each.
One of the first developments linking the Oropeza family to narcotics occurred in April 2004. Juan Hernandez and other defendants were arrested by local police in Harlingen, Texas, after they were linked to a narcotic smuggling operation utilizing
truck lines to ship marijuana out of the Rio Grande Valley, to Florida. As a result of this arrest, Hernandez received more than three years in a state penitentiary.
DEA agents in West Palm Beach, Florida, learned of Hernandez's arrest and asked ICE for additional information about his drug operation.
This information linked Milton Oquendo to the narcotic smuggling in Florida. DEA subsequently arrested and charged him in Florida for his role in the organization.
Hernandez and Oquendo were each sentenced to ten years as a result of this indictment. The money laundering activities being conducted by the Oropeza family were directly linked to Hernandez and Oquendo.
In July 2006, investigators caught a break in the case when Tina Oropeza was stopped and questioned by Harlingen police officers while riding on a north-bound
bus headed out of the city. Officer's discovered she was carrying approximately
$90,000 in cash, which they seized.
Subsequent financial records checks showed that the Oropeza family had more than 20 accounts with several banks. Personal bank accounts connected to the money
laundering activity were held by all four Oropeza's. Account statements
from these personal accounts reflected cash deposits continued A Study in Money Laundering The Oropeza Family and Drug Smuggling at the Southwest Border
Cornerstone is U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) comprehensive investigative initiative for fighting financial crime.
The Cornerstone Report is a quarterly bulletin highlighting key issues related to ICE financial, narcotics and public safety investigations.
. . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Michael Harari wikipedia
Michael "Mike" Harari (born 1927) was an Israeli intelligence officer in the Mossad. Harari was involved in several notable operations, including the failed Lillehammer affair and the rescue of hostages at Entebbe.
Harari began his intelligence work facilitating illegal Jewish immigration to Israel after World War II. He then spent time in the army and Shin Bet before being recruited by the Mossad in the 1960s. During his time in the Mossad he ran agents in Europe, eventually advancing to the head of the Operations Branch. It was during this time that he helped build and lead teams in Operation Wrath of God, the Israeli response to the Munich Massacre in 1972. In what became known as the Lillehammer affair, Harari led a team into Norway where they believed Ali Hassan Salameh, the chief of Black September operations was living. After identifying and assassinating the target, it was revealed that they had killed an innocent waiter, Ahmed Bouchiki, who only resembled Salameh. While authorities arrested many of Harari's team, he escaped back to Israel. A Norwegian case against him was dismissed in January 1999 because of a lack of evidence.[1]
Despite this setback, Harari later scored two major successes for the Mossad. Before Operation Thunderbolt was launched in July, 1976, to free Israeli hostages at Entebbe International Airport, Harari supposedly took the disguise of an Italian businessman to enter and reconnoiter the airport. He also helped facilitate the use of Kenyan air bases to refuel Israeli planes returning from the rescue mission.[2] In January, 1979, Harari led a team that killed Ali Hassan Salameh in Beirut with a car bomb, the same man he had tried to assassinate in Lillehammer years earlier.
At some later point in time Harari became the Mossad station chief in Latin America based out of Israel. Although he is said to have retired after this service, it is unclear if all his Israeli intelligence connections were severed when he left for Panama, He returned to Israel just before or during the 1989 United States invasion of Panama, which deposed Noriega and installed the legitimate presidential victor Guillermo Endara. Harari later appeared on Israeli television and denied that he was ever a close advisor of Noriega, and that he had escaped by his own means. [3]
Harari was played by actor Moshe Ivgy in Steven Spielberg's 2005 film Munich,[4] which depicts a controversial account of Operation Wrath of God.
David Kimche
October 1991, Page 29
To Tell the Truth
David Kimche: Israel's Leading Spy and Would-Be Mossad Chief
By Leon T. Hadar
The name David Kimche became vaguely familiar to Americans who followed the Iran-Contra scandal, yet few now can recall exactly what role he played. It's just the way this shadowy Israeli intelligence official and spin control artist operates. Since he figures prominently in many of his government's more spectacular "dirty tricks," it was no surprise to hear from a US television team that returned from Tehran this summer that, "whenever we went to interview Islamic revolutionary government officials, David Kimche seemed to be just leaving their offices. "
This quiet but influential Israeli official's name first surfaced frequently in the world press in connection with the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon, three years before the Iran-Contra revelations. Throughout the 1980 to 1988 administration of US President Ronald Reagan, Kimche was one of the leading figures in the efforts to cement the "strategic alliance" between Israel and the United States. Today, as a "private businessman, " he undoubtedly is still at the center of some Israeli covert activities abroad.
Lillehammer affair wikipedia
The undercover agents had been sent by Israel as part of Operation Wrath of God to assassinate Ali Hassan Salameh, the leader of the Black September Organization, a Palestinian militant group that carried out the 1972 Munich Massacre. They mistook Bouchiki for their target and shot him repeatedly as he walked back from a cinema to his apartment with his pregnant wife. Two members of the assassination team were arrested the next day as they re-used a getaway car to go to the airport. After their interrogation the whole cell was arrested. Incriminating documents and the keys to a network of safe houses were discovered.[1]
Of the nine agents who participated directly in the assassination (Michael Harari, Dan Ærbel, Ethel Marianne Gladnikoff, Abraham Gehmer, alias Leslie Orbaum, Sylvia Rafael, alias Patricia Lesley Roxburgh, Victor Zipstein alias Zwi Steinberg, Michael Dorf, Gustav Pistauer, Jean-Luc Sevenier, Jonathan Isaac Englesberg alias Jonathan Ingleby, "Tamara" alias "Tamar" alias "Marie", Rolf Baehr, Gerard Lafond, Raoul Cousin, Nora Heffner), six were captured by the Norwegian authorities and five were convicted of Bouchiki's murder. Harari as well as the two killers escaped and Dorf was acquitted. The five convicts were sentenced to prison terms ranging from two and a half to five years, but all were released within 22 months and deported to Israel.
U.S. Code
main pagefaqindexsearch
TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 1 > § 4
Prev | Next § 4. Misprision of felony
How Current is This? Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
EXCERPT is from the following Christopher Story article. 295 big US banks confirmed as criminal enterprises
[EDITOR'S INSERT: This is absurd. Under the standard double-mindedness, dialectical non-ethic that characterises the criminalist behaviour of elements of the US Government, law enforcement and the Drug Enforcement Administration battle valiantly against the proliferation of Mexican drug gangs, which now operate in every corner of the United States. Meanwhile, the drug offensive was organised and orchestrated by CIA operatives in Latin America in the 1970s and 1980s, aided by Israeli 'Black' intelligence headed by David Kimche (who died of brain cancer on 8th March 2010) and Michael Harari. Their involvement is proven by the Cutolo Affidavit dated 11th March 1980.
295 big US banks confirmed as criminal enterprises
Thursday 1 July 2010 00:01
‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.
'Seeing what's at the end of one's nose requires constant effort'. George Orwell.
Money laundering pdf
A joint investigation by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Drug
Enforcement Administration (DEA)into drug trafficking at the Southwest border revealed a multimillion dollar money laundering organization, utilizing multiple
companies, and numerous bank accounts, to launder narcotic proceeds.
This case study demonstrates methodologies used for laundering criminal proceeds.
In 2004, ICE agents in Brownsville, Texas, received information that Oscar Oropeza, along with his wife Tina, daughter Paulina and son Juan, were using various businesses they owned to launder proceeds derived from narcotic sales. The
Oropeza family owned substantial assets in both Brownsville and Harlingen,Texas, including a car wash, landscaping business, trucking company, a large house, and
numerous vehicles valued between $60,000–$120,000 each.
One of the first developments linking the Oropeza family to narcotics occurred in April 2004. Juan Hernandez and other defendants were arrested by local police in Harlingen, Texas, after they were linked to a narcotic smuggling operation utilizing
truck lines to ship marijuana out of the Rio Grande Valley, to Florida. As a result of this arrest, Hernandez received more than three years in a state penitentiary.
DEA agents in West Palm Beach, Florida, learned of Hernandez's arrest and asked ICE for additional information about his drug operation.
This information linked Milton Oquendo to the narcotic smuggling in Florida. DEA subsequently arrested and charged him in Florida for his role in the organization.
Hernandez and Oquendo were each sentenced to ten years as a result of this indictment. The money laundering activities being conducted by the Oropeza family were directly linked to Hernandez and Oquendo.
In July 2006, investigators caught a break in the case when Tina Oropeza was stopped and questioned by Harlingen police officers while riding on a north-bound
bus headed out of the city. Officer's discovered she was carrying approximately
$90,000 in cash, which they seized.
Subsequent financial records checks showed that the Oropeza family had more than 20 accounts with several banks. Personal bank accounts connected to the money
laundering activity were held by all four Oropeza's. Account statements
from these personal accounts reflected cash deposits continued A Study in Money Laundering The Oropeza Family and Drug Smuggling at the Southwest Border
Cornerstone is U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) comprehensive investigative initiative for fighting financial crime.
The Cornerstone Report is a quarterly bulletin highlighting key issues related to ICE financial, narcotics and public safety investigations.
. . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Michael Harari wikipedia
Michael "Mike" Harari (born 1927) was an Israeli intelligence officer in the Mossad. Harari was involved in several notable operations, including the failed Lillehammer affair and the rescue of hostages at Entebbe.
Harari began his intelligence work facilitating illegal Jewish immigration to Israel after World War II. He then spent time in the army and Shin Bet before being recruited by the Mossad in the 1960s. During his time in the Mossad he ran agents in Europe, eventually advancing to the head of the Operations Branch. It was during this time that he helped build and lead teams in Operation Wrath of God, the Israeli response to the Munich Massacre in 1972. In what became known as the Lillehammer affair, Harari led a team into Norway where they believed Ali Hassan Salameh, the chief of Black September operations was living. After identifying and assassinating the target, it was revealed that they had killed an innocent waiter, Ahmed Bouchiki, who only resembled Salameh. While authorities arrested many of Harari's team, he escaped back to Israel. A Norwegian case against him was dismissed in January 1999 because of a lack of evidence.[1]
Despite this setback, Harari later scored two major successes for the Mossad. Before Operation Thunderbolt was launched in July, 1976, to free Israeli hostages at Entebbe International Airport, Harari supposedly took the disguise of an Italian businessman to enter and reconnoiter the airport. He also helped facilitate the use of Kenyan air bases to refuel Israeli planes returning from the rescue mission.[2] In January, 1979, Harari led a team that killed Ali Hassan Salameh in Beirut with a car bomb, the same man he had tried to assassinate in Lillehammer years earlier.
At some later point in time Harari became the Mossad station chief in Latin America based out of Israel. Although he is said to have retired after this service, it is unclear if all his Israeli intelligence connections were severed when he left for Panama, He returned to Israel just before or during the 1989 United States invasion of Panama, which deposed Noriega and installed the legitimate presidential victor Guillermo Endara. Harari later appeared on Israeli television and denied that he was ever a close advisor of Noriega, and that he had escaped by his own means. [3]
Harari was played by actor Moshe Ivgy in Steven Spielberg's 2005 film Munich,[4] which depicts a controversial account of Operation Wrath of God.
David Kimche
October 1991, Page 29
To Tell the Truth
David Kimche: Israel's Leading Spy and Would-Be Mossad Chief
By Leon T. Hadar
The name David Kimche became vaguely familiar to Americans who followed the Iran-Contra scandal, yet few now can recall exactly what role he played. It's just the way this shadowy Israeli intelligence official and spin control artist operates. Since he figures prominently in many of his government's more spectacular "dirty tricks," it was no surprise to hear from a US television team that returned from Tehran this summer that, "whenever we went to interview Islamic revolutionary government officials, David Kimche seemed to be just leaving their offices. "
This quiet but influential Israeli official's name first surfaced frequently in the world press in connection with the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon, three years before the Iran-Contra revelations. Throughout the 1980 to 1988 administration of US President Ronald Reagan, Kimche was one of the leading figures in the efforts to cement the "strategic alliance" between Israel and the United States. Today, as a "private businessman, " he undoubtedly is still at the center of some Israeli covert activities abroad.
Lillehammer affair wikipedia
The undercover agents had been sent by Israel as part of Operation Wrath of God to assassinate Ali Hassan Salameh, the leader of the Black September Organization, a Palestinian militant group that carried out the 1972 Munich Massacre. They mistook Bouchiki for their target and shot him repeatedly as he walked back from a cinema to his apartment with his pregnant wife. Two members of the assassination team were arrested the next day as they re-used a getaway car to go to the airport. After their interrogation the whole cell was arrested. Incriminating documents and the keys to a network of safe houses were discovered.[1]
Of the nine agents who participated directly in the assassination (Michael Harari, Dan Ærbel, Ethel Marianne Gladnikoff, Abraham Gehmer, alias Leslie Orbaum, Sylvia Rafael, alias Patricia Lesley Roxburgh, Victor Zipstein alias Zwi Steinberg, Michael Dorf, Gustav Pistauer, Jean-Luc Sevenier, Jonathan Isaac Englesberg alias Jonathan Ingleby, "Tamara" alias "Tamar" alias "Marie", Rolf Baehr, Gerard Lafond, Raoul Cousin, Nora Heffner), six were captured by the Norwegian authorities and five were convicted of Bouchiki's murder. Harari as well as the two killers escaped and Dorf was acquitted. The five convicts were sentenced to prison terms ranging from two and a half to five years, but all were released within 22 months and deported to Israel.
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